Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Pringles, I was offered properties in Benson Cres (two bed apt) and a house in Carrs Mill which I would have loved but unfortunately was beaten to it by others ahead of me.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Topgal, I have a theory on the timely/untimely allocation of houses by FCC. I reckon units are released for the AHI firstly and then a percentage, not necessarily the remainder are released for affordable housing. I would imagine it is in the interest of FCC to give units to people on the AHI as they will be paying more back to the council.
I too have been offered a number of places but for various reasons have not accepted.

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi can anyone tell me how long are tou waiting after the interview for an offer
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I was about 3 months after my interview before I got first offer
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Thanks cat123 and what kind of questions were you asked at the interview
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Can anyone tell me what kind of questions are asked at the interview
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Chelk, just wondering if you've heard anything at all about your house? Has your snag list been completed or are you still waiting?

Hello Rach, sorry for not replying have been of the internet for awhile,,, we got our snag list done,,, they only done a few parts of it we were so desperate to meve in that we just signed over and done the rest and were able to mve in for easter weekend...

Very happy with kettles lane,, the grassy area at the back is great for the kids , and the kids have made some lovely friends ,, its near our sons school ,,, the local londis is a grand little walk down for the baby.. airside is right behind you for all the diy stuff you need to run out for,, i think B&Q opins till 9.

The place is very well insulated and the properties are quite large. we moved in a month and a week ago and are very settled already..

Good luck with yours haope your snag list is done by now and your on the way to moving in.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Can anyone tell me what kind of questions are asked at the interview

Hey TOR1.. basically they have all the info you've sent them on front of them when you go in, details of savings, current accounts, credit cards and so on. They ask you what any large amounts of money you have withdrawn from your accounts where for, to check that you dont often spend huge amounts of money for no reason. The kinds of amounts they queried where a few thousand..and my reasons where college fees, buying a car..that kind of thing. You also have to produce evidence that you have kept up your savings since you first applied..and they will check with you if you have any outstanding loans or anything like that.. You also get a chance to ask them any questions you have.. its nothing to worry about and didnt last very long.
Do you know when your interview is TOR1?When did you apply?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Cat123 My boyfriend applied in october.Then in march he got a call to say they were looking at his forms and could he send in his p21 and bank statments.He sent these on friday.Do you you think he will be waiting long to get an interview.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

First time posting. My sis sent hers in in Nov. She got a call last wk to send in her bank statements and savings, then she will be called for her interview.
I sent mine in in January, havent heard anything yey. It's kind of a blessing, my partner is in the building trade which has gone very slack at the mo and he hasn't had a full wks wages in weeks. Still keeping up with are savings. Could this go against us as he is the main income earner...:(
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

TOR1 I also applied in october..i did my interview in november!Im not sure why its taking so long for your boyfriend to get his interview?maybe they have had a sudden increase in applications?I'd say if they contacted him for more info you'll pbly hear soon enough about interview..but could be wrong.

Maria D I dont know the answer to that but I think most important thing is to prove that even when work is slack you can still keep up your savings..i would think if you&your partner did that you'd b ok!but then i dont work for fingal and fingal move in mysterious ways..:rolleyes:
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi cat123 Have you got a house yet or are you still waiting.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I know there is no point wrecking my head about it, just have to wait for the interview to see what they say then. Hopefully we wont have to go bac to square one.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

AHI scheme being launchwed this weekend, thinks it s 1st come first allocated project!

[broken link removed]
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

adverts in apapers and on radio all day
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hey Guys

Has anyone sent in their application for Affordable Housing recently and have you heard from them yet? I sent my form in, in February, got a letter of Fingal in March to say they were processing my application but haven't heard anything back yet. Just thought I would have had my interview by now, or is this the usual lenght of time to wait for your interview.

Thanks, Pringles
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

takes about three months for interview. have you tried ringing?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Thanks abi2007

Didn't ring them but dropped them an email last week and haven't heard anything. Didn't want to be annoying them too much. If I haven't heard anything from them by next week will just give them a quick call.

Thanks again
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Pringles, a friend of mine applied last November and like you hasn't heard anything as yet. She phoned them about two weeks ago and was told they are very short staffed at present and all applications are taking longer than normal to process but they are getting through same. Fingers crossed you hear something soon.