Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

From all these posts, I am kinda glad now that I accepted my place in Cityside!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

yes me too...glad I got thing I will say, when I went to view balbriggan I was waaaay down the list, still put my name down for cancellation and got it.

you'd be surprised how many people reserve a property but then get cold feet or their earnings/circumstances change etc..

In the same letter I was offered a viewing in kinsealy, but then got a call later in the week to say not to bother coming, that i too far down the list!! still got the balbriggan one tho so its hard to know!!

One thing is tho, save save save as long as you can will get there...
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I had my final approval interview today. All went well. The nice lady said I should hear something within 3 weeks.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Nice one, still no word from fingal yet about viewing of lusk ..... will have no nails left, would like to know either way. Anybody hear anything yet.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

HI Abi

How far down the list are youu? I recently got a 2 bed apartment in lusk. As far as i know there are houses coming up soon in dun emer and lusk village
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi mlouisa,
I'm on the local list a couple of months now. got the letter to view houses in lusk they said they'd let me know by the end of the week if i get a viewing. Would really really love lusk, even a ground floor apartment.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hey Abi I've heard nothing yet either in same boat as you!They also told me Id hear by the end of the week..does the end of the week qualify as Thursday or Friday?! Just hope they let me know even if I dont get to view or Ill go crazy! Its so frustrating..
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

are you long approved and are you on local list? just trying to figure out where i am. I've heard people getting the first letter to view properties and gettin them and others getting letters but no viewing. can't work it out.... any way they seem to constantly send out letters so a least they've started coming my way.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Im approved since December and Im on local list. I have had one letter apart from Lusk which was in February, I didnt ring to view that as I wasnt really interested so this is my first proper experience of it. It is impossible to figure out how it works.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

oh right, i'd say i'm well behind you on list. I only got approved the end of feb and this is my first letter. Do you want an apartment or house or you not to fussy?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Dont say that you'll get my hopes up that they'll actually ring me!! :D I'm afraid my gut instinct is telling me I dont have a hope..
I would probably prefer a house to an apartment but when I drove up to see Lusk Village I was pleasantly surprised by apartments they seem really nice. Id take either deffo! How about yourself?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

yes me too...glad I got thing I will say, when I went to view balbriggan I was waaaay down the list, still put my name down for cancellation and got it.

you'd be surprised how many people reserve a property but then get cold feet or their earnings/circumstances change etc..

In the same letter I was offered a viewing in kinsealy, but then got a call later in the week to say not to bother coming, that i too far down the list!! still got the balbriggan one tho so its hard to know!!

One thing is tho, save save save as long as you can will get there...

That makes me feel a little better and good advice..thanks :)
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

would take either, I split with my ex last summer and we sold our house. I'm back with parents. Don't think I'd survive there much longer. I would probally take anything that is offered!!!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Poor you that was a hard thing to go through.. I'm sure things will come right for you when theyre supposed to.
If you had a house how are you a first time buyer tho?
I really want to get somewhere but Im going to hold on for something that really would suit me...Lusk would be perfect! Why o why wont they ring?! :p
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

NO not poor me i'm much better off! I called them before i applied and explained my situation. They told me the scheme is for people who can't afford to buy a home and since I no longer owned a house and sold it cause i had to and not by choice that they consider my aplication. Also works for people who are divorced. Had to prove everything though, solicitors letters ect.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Well congrats in that case! :D
Thats really good that they consider such circumstances.. now you say it I know of someone who is divorced with a child and got an affordable house. Just got a call there from a number I didnt recognise nearly died thought Fingal were finally ringing..wasnt them tho! :rolleyes:
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I don't know.. probably stupid but kind of afraid you could get their back up if you start hassling them and theyre the ones with all the power!But maybe Im being stupid.
Thinking of it logically if yesterday was closing time at 4..they prob only started compiling list for viewings maybe theyll be ringing tomorrow?
I dont know what do you think?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

we should probally just be patient and wait..................... I want to know now!