Affordable housing Dunlaoghaire Rathdown-Parkview, Belarmine & Thornwood

Has any1 got a date for finializing in BSQ yet ????

Has any1 got any problems with the snag????
I just got a call to go up and desnag again tomorrow....that should be it with the desnagging so hopefully I'll find out what the story is with finalising then.
Hard to say because each apt would be different. Just make sure you look at EVERYTHING! My freezer needed to be defrosted, it was completely frozen over. Look at the finish on things, check for scratches on doors, paint, windows, woodwork. The whole lot. Bring something to check that the plugs work etc.
I had my de-snag this morning. Still a couple of things to be finished but all basic and will be completed this week.

Think most of their focus is going on Cubes 7 at the moment because of the launch this week.

I never though to try the sockets but presume that is something that can be easliy fixed, if there was such a problem, when I get the keys as it would be obvious they weren't working before I moved in.
Hey all, was it long between doing the snag and the de-snag?

Also rang the council they told me it will take 6 to 8 weeks to complete the sale, has anyone else been told different??
Hey all, was it long between doing the snag and the de-snag?

Also rang the council they told me it will take 6 to 8 weeks to complete the sale, has anyone else been told different??

6-8 weeks!!! It should only take less than 2 weeks once the paperwork is done! Did they say why it would take this long?
Hi, I just received the call to de-snag, I'm now expecting to close next week if its all good!
Hey all, was it long between doing the snag and the de-snag?

Also rang the council they told me it will take 6 to 8 weeks to complete the sale, has anyone else been told different??

I think they mean 6 to 8 weeks from the provisional offer.
That is the timescale they told me the few weeks ago and, so far, things are running to the timescale give or take a few days.

I hope to close within the next couple of weeks too. Just waiting on the pack to go to my solicitor and for the appointment to sign the contracts - at least I think that is all I am waiting on now.
Thats not so bad :) I'm at that stage too. I was up there this morning to do final desnag and have been onto the broker to activate the life assurance etc so that once the pack gets to the solicitor I plan to sign and get keys asap. ............must go find my cheque book!
I was just told my file for BSQ would be sent up to be signed off, which takes 6 - 8 weeks. My provisional offer never made it back to them with the postal strike etc, so that has delayed me quite a bit!!

Anyways here's hoping it will be quicker than 8wks tho!!!
I was just told my file for BSQ would be sent up to be signed off, which takes 6 - 8 weeks. My provisional offer never made it back to them with the postal strike etc, so that has delayed me quite a bit!!

Anyways here's hoping it will be quicker than 8wks tho!!!

God I hope they are taking this p!ss with that estimate.

I have my parents place full of furniture and if it goes on 8 weeks I'll have to look at putting things into storage and the shops may not hold on the the things I ordered after the end of June.

Anyone ring DLRCoCo to confirm the timescale once the file has gone to their law dept.? That was the last update I got last week and I can't keep making/taking calls at work.
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I'd suggest that everyone rings the council fairly regularly to check on progress. Not from a completely hassle them point of view but just to keep the awareness high in there that we are all more or less ready to go and are just waiting on the last bit of paperwork from them.
Anyone buying in Parkview? I had a viewing recently and am gutted after seeing how small the apts are. I wouldn't mind if it was just that they're small, but the way they are laid out is really stupid. We are couple but there is not space for even one wardrobe in the bedrooms? The storage area in the hall would be taken up with washing machine if it will even fit. No room for a table in the kitchen/sitting room. I would live in a small apt but they must be counting walls and balconies in measurement because what I saw was not 67sqm. Anyone else viewed? What do u think? I would take it if I thought I could store my clothes and had somewhere to eat my dinner?

What block were you viewing in? I've been living in Parkview a year now and have had no problems....apart from the parking situation!! Dont ask!!

All apartments are different sizes, we only have a one bed and have had no problem with table and chairs in the living room, even bought 2 sets of chest of drawers for the bedroom...the washing machine/dryer is in a separate room altogether so that causes no problems, actually is great!
It should only take a couple of weeks for the councils part of the paperwork once your loan offer letter gets to them.

Affordable dept sends the paperwork to their law dept who compile their side of things and then it gets sent to LK Sheilds (Landmark's solicitor) who in turn send a charging order to your solicitor. The time frame for this is about 2 to 3 weeks so definetly not 8 weeks, if it is all to be believed.
Unicorn, the affordable housing apartments in Parkview are different blocks and different builds to the open market apartments, unfortunately they are not as big or as well finished, read back through this thread if you're interested in finding out where they are.