Affordable housing Dunlaoghaire Rathdown-Parkview, Belarmine & Thornwood

I wouldn't care about the banks valuation to be honest, in my case it looks like they contacted the developer and got them to give the worth - 575K which is no-where near the correct valuation!! The point of the banks valuation is to make sure that its OK for them to lend the money.
I think we should be getting a shout next week to do our snags for BSQ

They were saying that if we will only get 1 cahnce to put somthing on the snag,,, that if we miss it the first time we won't be able to put it on it when we go in to check the snag...

Any 1 got any other info off landmark or the CoCo
Most likely its now with the councils solicitors who will be preparing to give the go-ahead to landmarks solicitors to release the contracts, then maybe snagging will be allowed. Yes landmark go on about you get one chance and all that, but actually if anything is found wrong in the apartment the management co must fix it once you've moved in. Most likely the builder will walk around with the snagger and note the issues in their laptop to fix. You'll also be allowed a de-snag to check the issues are fixed. Its normally recommended you don't close till you are 100% happy that the snagging issues are addressed correctly.

I was told that i should be getting noitfication at the end of the week as to when to snag.
Nothing yet, waiting on bit of paper from mortgage broker. All fine but delayed with the paper work due to red tape! Should have it this week and will send it in straight away so all will be fine.
Once the invitation to snag goes out there is something like 14 days to close, hence it should really move fast then
Just got the followup phone call to go through the letter (which is probably there today). Excitement! They really seem to like the silence of no news and then all of a sudden hit you with deadlines
Yeah, got the snagging email too.

Has anyone asked, I presume it is only possible to snag Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm?
You will probably get a phone call as well. The times are from 9-4pm and they seem to be anxious to get people in to snag this week or early next week.

Is anyone bringing professinal snaggers or are you' doing it yourselves with friends