Racism rife as people with Irish sounding names twice as likely to be given job. ERSI

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Re: Racism or not ?

To my knowledge this was a reply to an article in the SA Mercury. Regardless of it's origin, do you not think that it is thought provoking? ...

Yes, it is thought-provoking. The thought that it provokes in me is that it is an apologia for racism, and that those who quote it with approval are defending racism.
Re: Racism or not ?

I think in a jobs market where supply is plentiful local candidates will always be preferred for certain types of jobs
Hirers are normally more familiar with their qualifications for one thing and will feel they can judge a local person better as in they have a frame of reference against which to judge them. They will feel more confident of making a personal judgement about a local person in terms of their track record and motivation

But is it racist or xenophobic ? No IMO. It's natural.

If my sister and my friend were applying to me for a job (assuming both had equal qualifications/experience) I'd give my sister the job.
If it were my friend and a stranger, my friend would get it.

Is that discrimination too ? Well then SO BE IT.
If I were the losing candidate in the above scenarios, I'd understand, wouldn't anybody ?

This thread is discussing an extention of that scenario.

If we find other intelligent life, and have to consider them for jobs as well as an 'Earthling', then what ? Hire LUNNGHHHHCCCTTT or someone you share a planet with ? Is that racist against earthlings?
Re: Racism or not ?

But is it racist or xenophobic ? No IMO. It's natural.

If my sister and my friend were applying to me for a job (assuming both had equal qualifications/experience) I'd give my sister the job.

That's probably sexist not racist.

Speaking of which.

But supposing your sister was up against a very good looking woman who had the hots for you who would you pick then?
Re: Racism or not ?

Padraigb, would you rather positive discrimination? You can say that you don't like tall or fat or small or skinny or simple or overintelligent or docile or arrogant or politicians or used car salesmen or clerics or Dubs or Cork people (hallo there boys, like :) ) or people of your own colour. But woe betide if you say the same of people of a different race. Do we, as human beings, not have the right to like or dislike anyone - for whatever reason. During President Obama's campaign, a well known black academic said it was time that the black population stopped playing the race card. Now if he was white, he'd be castigated. Before any of the bleeding hearts jump on my back, I have two old black school pals that are in regular contact since we left university.
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Re: Racism or not ?

... Before any of the bleeding hearts jump on my back, I have two old black school pals that are in regular contact since we left university.

Jaysus! That's a classic, right up there with "some of my best friends are Jews".
Re: Racism or not ?

Jaysus! That's a classic, right up there with "some of my best friends are Jews".
That is not a very nice remark. I come from Canada and have heard lots of Irish people criticising the USA and saying they "don't like yanks". Considering the economic help that that country has bestowed on this country, it is a little ungrateful. Why do you take the moral high ground? Inverted snobbery? Or are you a type of person that finds something to rant about whenever you're feeling low? Whichever, you should listen to comment, analyse and then come to a conclusion.
Re: Racism or not ?

That's probably sexist not racist.

Speaking of which.

But supposing your sister was up against a very good looking woman who had the hots for you who would you pick then?

My sister, obviously.

I may, however, try to 'commiserate' the poor sould who lost out, however ;)
Re: Racism or not ?

My sister, obviously.

I may, however, try to 'commiserate' the poor sould who lost out, however ;)

Are you mad?

Your sister would eventually forgive you..........some day.......maybe

Take the good looking woman with the hots for you for christs sake!!!

(I'll bet you are wishing it was the case now)
Re: Racism or not ?

Take the good looking woman with the hots for you for christs sake!!!

(I'll bet you are wishing it was the case now)

Nah, she'd probably sleep with the boss (who she also had the hots for, upon realising that her career advancement was 'negotiable' ), get promoted and end up firing me! Besides, what if she was a psycho nutjob stalker ?

Just how hot are we talking here ? :)

Siblings are safer(ish).
Re: Racism or not ?

Racism.. ill feeling towards someone because of their race, is taught you are not born with it you have to be taught it,only education can eradicate it,but some people never learn.As for the job applicants the person rejecting them could have many reasons but all stem from prejudice taught or learnt.As for what you can say or not say is down to how you are perceived by that group and the trust of that group towards you regardless of ethnic background.
Re: Racism or not ?

Nah, she'd probably sleep with the boss (who she also had the hots for, upon realising that her career advancement was 'negotiable' ), get promoted and end up firing me! Besides, what if she was a psycho nutjob stalker ?

Just how hot are we talking here ? :)

Siblings are safer(ish).

Ever seen From Dawn till Dusk "the dance scene" in the bar That hot and I mean hot hot hot...
Re: Racism or not ?

we don't love them less; it's just that we love ourselves more.

Racism.. ill feeling towards someone because of their race,
Who said ANYTHING about ill feeling towards anybody ? I HATE when this is what's brought up as the justification of racism. Who said I have any 'ill feeling ' towards them, they may be very good candidates, but I don't base my personal emotional feelings about anybody on their race. There is NO 'ill feeling' involved.

we don't love them less; it's just that we love ourselves more.[than them]

Padraigb put it well, TBH. I don't like my friends any less, but I'd still hire my sibling.

Is that wrong? Is it any different ?
Re: Racism or not ?

Ever seen From Dawn till Dusk "the dance scene" in the bar That hot and I mean hot hot hot...

Ah now, you're not being fair....Salma Hayek ? Vampire or not, she get's the job !!!! :D
Re: Racism or not ?

Who said ANYTHING about ill feeling towards anybody ? I HATE when this is what's brought up as the justification of racism. Who said I have any 'ill feeling ' towards them, they may be very good candidates, but I don't base my personal emotional feelings about anybody on their race.

I did not say you did,or anybody else, did!:confused:
Re: Racism or not ?

Racism.. ill feeling towards someone because of their race, is taught you are not born with it you have to be taught it,only education can eradicate it,but some people never learn.As for the job applicants the person rejecting them could have many reasons but all stem from prejudice taught or learnt.As for what you can say or not say is down to how you are perceived by that group and the trust of that group towards you regardless of ethnic background.
Re: Racism or not ?

That is not a very nice remark.

It's a fair observation. You are implying that discrimination against members of particular groups is okay, and then covering your ass by claiming friendship with members of one of those groups.

I come from Canada and have heard lots of Irish people criticising the USA and saying they "don't like yanks". Considering the economic help that that country has bestowed on this country, it is a little ungrateful.

You won't hear this Irish person saying things like that. You cannot judge my attitude to Americans or how grateful or ungrateful I might be on the basis that I happen to be Irish. It's not right to judge an individual by the behaviour of others in a category in which you can place that individual.

Why do you take the moral high ground?

Because I will stand up for what I believe to be right and oppose what I believe to be wrong,

Inverted snobbery? Or are you a type of person that finds something to rant about whenever you're feeling low?

That sort of personal attack by innuendo is dishonourable.

Whichever, you should listen to comment, analyse and then come to a conclusion.

I came to one particular conclusion many years ago, and I stand by it: people are entitled to be considered as individuals, and should not be prejudged on the basis of ethnicity or sex or age (within reasonable limits) or the type of work they do (again, within reasonable limits) or their marital status or the type of school they went to or the type of car they drive or several other categorisations that some people employ.
Re: Racism or not ?

I came to one particular conclusion many years ago, and I stand by it: people are entitled to be considered as individuals, and should not be prejudged on the basis of ethnicity or sex or age (within reasonable limits) or the type of work they do (again, within reasonable limits) or their marital status or the type of school they went to or the type of car they drive or several other categorisations that some people employ.
Well said.
I suppose you are not part of the "I'm not racist, but..." group then?
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