Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Houses really seem to be few and far between a the mo. A three bed apartment would do (not ideal, would rather have a garden) but at this time I just wish I'd hear something!!
Houses really seem to be few and far between a the mo. A three bed apartment would do (not ideal, would rather have a garden) but at this time I just wish I'd hear something!!

I know the feeling... Just off the phone to Fingal there... I dont really know how but they advised me this morning that ive moved a good 100 places on the list in the last month.. So they must be offering houses weekly to those at the top of the list, but us at the bottom never hear about it... I dont know what to do myself.. I want a place that im going to be able to live in for the forseable future and i really wanted a house with a garden.. But at this stage, it seems to be only apartments coming up... So its the same question.. Do i take it and hear that something better came up afterwards, or not take it and be offerd something worse later on...
I know the feeling... Just off the phone to Fingal there... I dont really know how but they advised me this morning that ive moved a good 100 places on the list in the last month.. So they must be offering houses weekly to those at the top of the list, but us at the bottom never hear about it... I dont know what to do myself.. I want a place that im going to be able to live in for the forseable future and i really wanted a house with a garden.. But at this stage, it seems to be only apartments coming up... So its the same question.. Do i take it and hear that something better came up afterwards, or not take it and be offerd something worse later on...

Hi Tilly1,

Don't mind me asking this, if you are looking for a house then how come you didn't accept a house in Martello?

Hi Tilly,

What number are you on the list, just trying to get an idea of how many houses they are offering and how fast the list is moving. thanks

Hi Tilly1,

Don't mind me asking this, if you are looking for a house then how come you didn't accept a house in Martello?


I keep asking myself the same question! But i think it was just when it came down to it, i just wasnt happy with it.. I just found it a bit small... BUt now that i look back, i probly shoud of taken it.. But i suppose this is the game.. You take a place and something better comes up or you dont take it and regret t at a later date.. Have you been offered annything yourself??
Hi Tilly,

What number are you on the list, just trying to get an idea of how many houses they are offering and how fast the list is moving. thanks


Im 302 on the general list.. Not sure bout the local list though.. HOw bout yourself??
sorry if this is off subject for this thread (just registered and dont think i can create my own thread yet??)

Has anyone any experience of taking the affordable housing route to getting a house? myself and girlfriend would rather try for house then appartment (from what i've read the scheme seems to be primarially concerned with appartments).

Any advice is much appreciated

Hi Tilly,

I'm still waiting to be approved - i applied May 4th - there starting the May applications this week so fingers crossed

Hi all...

Bought in Martello and the checking of my snag was being done today...Just got off the phone from the guy I hired to do it and he said there are very very few of what was on the snag list actually fixed! Did anyone else have this problem? I can see this turning into a nightmare!!!
Hi all...

Bought in Martello and the checking of my snag was being done today...Just got off the phone from the guy I hired to do it and he said there are very very few of what was on the snag list actually fixed! Did anyone else have this problem? I can see this turning into a nightmare!!!

No mine was done bar one thing they refused to do so I moved in - I think unless they are real probs you are prob best to resolve the smaller stuff yourself !

Did anyone get a letter from Fingal to view houses in Balbriggan on 25th Octoboer 2007? I called to make an appointment to view the houses but they said they would call me back and if they didn't, then it means I am too high up the list. Did anyone here manage to get an appointment?

... Its either them aprtments in holywell, swords or these ones.. Anyways il let you know how i get on.. Thanks agian

Hi tilly1,
Have been outta touch with what's going on lately. Got that letter too for apartments in Balbriggan but didn't respond, just too far out for me. But I noticed you've mentioned Holywell in Swords... Are there apartments coming up there soon???? Did Fingal mention anything about these to you personally or do you just know about them??? Any info would be great. My approval expires in January and was really hoping i'd have gotten something by then. Anywho... Thanks

Did anyone get a letter from Fingal to view houses in Balbriggan on 25th Octoboer 2007? I called to make an appointment to view the houses but they said they would call me back and if they didn't, then it means I am too high up the list. Did anyone here manage to get an appointment?


Hi Stephen1381,

Where about of Balbrggan are these places?Are they apartments or houses?

Hi Tracey, I applied in February and Im still waiting to be approved!!

Hi Snowy/ Tilly

I just rang Fingal COCO there this morning - they said my application was processed and some of the information was out of date and will need to be resubmitted before they can assess it. Not sure what was out of date - unless they want an up to date record of my bamk details, any ideas?

Hi Snowy/ Tilly

I just rang Fingal COCO there this morning - they said my application was processed and some of the information was out of date and will need to be resubmitted before they can assess it. Not sure what was out of date - unless they want an up to date record of my bamk details, any ideas?


Sounds like there just giving you the run around... They did that for about 6 months with me... The start is a very slow and painful process but just keep telling yourself it will be worth it in the end!!! Thats what i keep telling myself!!!!

Hi tilly1,
Have been outta touch with what's going on lately. Got that letter too for apartments in Balbriggan but didn't respond, just too far out for me. But I noticed you've mentioned Holywell in Swords... Are there apartments coming up there soon???? Did Fingal mention anything about these to you personally or do you just know about them??? Any info would be great. My approval expires in January and was really hoping i'd have gotten something by then. Anywho... Thanks

Hiya Macy.. I know that they defo had places in holywell because a friend of mine got one, but i think there all gone now... You should have looked at them apartments in balbriggan they were lovley.. and big.. Well for an apartment they were big!! When i was there i asked if anything was coming up soon and they said that was only apartments for the forseable future and mostly in balbriggan or surrounding areas?? Where abouts are you from??