What's so wrong with Enda?

No disrespect to Enda..but is this the best that FG (or any opposition party) can come up with? I think that they are depending on FF/PD screw ups to sway the electorate rather than having clear strong leadership who can show that they mean business.
He also said "Quote me as saying I was mis-quoted."
OK - how about this instead...

"In the choice between changing one's mind and proving there's no need to do so, most people get busy on the proof."

-- JK Galbraith
He spends his time and energy criticising everything that has been done and is being done in this country for the sake of "opposition".

If he was to be elected and was to fail at delivering his "promises", I bet you he will blame the Irish citizens for having electing him...
That what 's wrong with this man!!
Replace "he/him" with any politician's name and you have probably summed up most politics in most coutries.
He reminds me of someone from an RTE documentary from the 1950's. His demeanour and use of language seems to be from a bygone era. He may well be a great guy but he does not come across very well.
The fact that he's joined at the hip with a party run by former republican Sinn Fein members it also a turn off.
Enda Kenny is a ringer for those line drawings of men who looked like the they were stuck in the 1950s that were contained in the [broken link removed] series of books!
The fact that he's joined at the hip with a party run by former republican Sinn Fein members it also a turn off.
Who? Presumably you are referring to Deputy Rabbitte with that paisleyite style deliberately inaccurate description, throw some mud and sure some will always stick eh?
The fact that he's joined at the hip with a party run by former republican Sinn Fein members it also a turn off.
What former RSF members runs the Labour Party? I think you are completely wrong on this and it's a very dodgy comment to make. Are you confusing RSF with Democratic Left (and their precursors)?
It's interesting that the week could start out with revelations about payments to the guy currently running the country.
That led to revelations of Tax evasion by the guy currently running the country.
That led to tearful spinning of stories about his family, and his life as a homeless person in Dublin to try and get sympathy, when the facts weren't on his side.
That led to a dail debate in which he basically says he did nothing wrong, but he wouldn't do it again.

And at the end of that week, you've all moved on to discussing why the leader of the opposition shouldn't be Taoiseach, because his hair isn't right, or his style of speech sounds like something from the 50s.

It seems a little corruption can be excused as long as the leader looks good, and talks properly. That's presumably why Bertie Ahern is Taoiseach. Is it his diction or his stunning good looks that turns you on?

This is precisely what Fianna Fail and the PD's bank on when they dig their heels in after a scandal. Doesn't matter what it is, the Irish people have the attention span of a goldfish with alzheimer's. The media don't bother sticking with the real story because the public have already moved on to talking about which party leader has the nicest finger nails.

I've often heard the phrase "you get the government you deserve". I've even used it myself from time to time. But I've never truly understood it until this week.

What former RSF members runs the Labour Party? I think you are completely wrong on this and it's a very dodgy comment to make. Are you confusing RSF with Democratic Left (and their precursors)?
I stand corrected, I meant Official Sinn Fein. Apologies for any offence caused.
Pat Rabbitte and Proinsias De Rossa (and other back-room staff) who are key figures in the Labour party were members of Democratic Left. They can trace their roots to the Workers Party and official Sinn Fein.
My point was meant in the context of their economic policies. I did not mean to imply that they have any provisional links/ leanings. Proinsias De Rossa is one of the most outspoken critics of the IRA in Ireland and I agree with his views on the matter.
What I find hard to square is how FG ,and Enda Kenny in particular, and the current Labour party could formulate or implement economic policy. Enda is from the old school right of centre wing of FG and Pat is an old school socialist: chalk and cheese.
Enda is from the old school right of centre wing of FG and Pat is an old school socialist: chalk and cheese.
Actually I reckon that like most politicians these days they sit in or around the centre regardless of the historical policies of their parties.
It's interesting that the week could start out with revelations about payments to the guy currently running the country.
That led to revelations of Tax evasion by the guy currently running the country.
That led to tearful spinning of stories about his family, and his life as a homeless person in Dublin to try and get sympathy, when the facts weren't on his side.
That led to a dail debate in which he basically says he did nothing wrong, but he wouldn't do it again.

And at the end of that week, you've all moved on to discussing why the leader of the opposition shouldn't be Taoiseach, because his hair isn't right, or his style of speech sounds like something from the 50s.

It seems a little corruption can be excused as long as the leader looks good, and talks properly. That's presumably why Bertie Ahern is Taoiseach. Is it his diction or his stunning good looks that turns you on?

This is precisely what Fianna Fail and the PD's bank on when they dig their heels in after a scandal. Doesn't matter what it is, the Irish people have the attention span of a goldfish with alzheimer's. The media don't bother sticking with the real story because the public have already moved on to talking about which party leader has the nicest finger nails.

I've often heard the phrase "you get the government you deserve". I've even used it myself from time to time. But I've never truly understood it until this week.


I just fear that Enda and Pat will screw things up even more than the current lot. If it was Enda and Ruairi Quinn (or one of the old Labour party guys) I would probably vote for them.
I just fear that Enda and Pat will screw things up even more than the current lot.

That's a fair concern, but surprisingly not the concern most people seem to have, based on this thread.

Even so, If things are going to be screwed up one way or the other then isn't it better that it be done by someone why might be honest, rather than by someone who definitely isn't?

At least then you could focus debate on mistakes made by government, rather than getting side tracked into discussions about whether their screw ups were done on purpose to enrich some or other friend of theirs.

*Deal with the Catholic Church - Incompetence or deliberate?

*Social Housing Scheme - Incompetence or deliberate?

*Purchase of farm for prison at twice market rate - Incompetence or deliberate?

*One of, if not the most badly planned capital cities in Europe - Incompetence or deliberate?

*Purchase of properties to hold immigrants, over priced, never used - Incompetence or deliberate?

*Incentives on property investment in a housing boom - Incompetence or deliberate?

You get the picture.

If you believe Fianna Fail are basically more capable and competent, then doesn't it make sense to keep them in opposition long enough to realise that they won't be getting back into government until they actually clean up their act, rather than pretending to, as Bertie has done.

By whom? Somebody here? Or elsewhere? What corruption has been established as fact?
Maybe no corruption has yet been established, it is quite clear however that there has been tax evasion, whilst this has presumably been forgotten by many, one imagines that the revenue will have no choice but to follow up on this (probably when Mr. Ahern is no longer the incumbent taoiseach) for fear of setting a very dangerous precedent.

I just fear that Enda and Pat will screw things up even more than the current lot. If it was Enda and Ruairi Quinn (or one of the old Labour party guys) I would probably vote for them.
I also think it's a bit off for 2 parties purportedly from totally divergent ends of the political spectrum to align pre-election, it's also about time they came out with some policies, however, I don't think it's possible to screw things up more than the current lot, what could they possibly do worse??
Maybe no corruption has yet been established, it is quite clear however that there has been tax evasion,

I consider tax evasion by the people who make the laws, and lead the country to be corruption. I don't limit the definition to favours in returns for bribes.

Originally quoted by Glenbhoy
...it is quite clear however that there has been tax evasion, whilst this has presumably been forgotten by many,...
Could you please expand on this - I'd very much like to know since I can't remember it either.
Could you please expand on this - I'd very much like to know since I can't remember it either.

Mr Ahern received 39000 punts from a group of "friends". He claimed this was a loan and as such was not subject to tax as a gift.

However did didn't repay this loan or any interest on it until he was caught. After 7 years the "loan" would have become a gift, and as such was liable for tax. Tax Evasion 1.

Even if we accept that Mr Ahern didn't know this, ignorance is no defence. But let's give him the benefit of the doubt and say that instead of deliberately evading tax, he just accidently evaded tax. Of course he did wrongly claim to be an accountant, so ignorance does seem to be a distinct possibility. He not only doesn't know what an accountant should know, he doesn't even know whether he is one or not.

However he also received 8000 punts from a group of people in Manchester. He admits that he can't name the people who gave him this money, so there is no way it was a loan. So this was a gift, which he did not declare or pay tax on. Tax Evasion 2.

But apparently under new rules Tax evasion is OK if you're having a hard time at home. It's the "Tax Evasion for Decent Sods Act 2006" I believe.
