What's so wrong with Enda?

Ceist Beag

Registered User
I've heard numerous people say over the past few days, regarding the Bertie episode, that even though they think Bertie did wrong by taking the money and they don't believe the stories about it being a loan and so on, they would still rather Bertie than Enda when the next election comes around.
So why is it that Enda gets such a bad rap? Is it purely a popularity contest between the leaders? Enda might not be the most charismatic person around but to me he seems like a decent fella and I think he deserves a chance. Also, there are arguments put out about a lack of policies from Fine Gael and Labour. But how about the poor policies put in place already by the current government? BTW I should point out that I am not affiliated to either Fine Gael or Labour, just mystified as to why people seem to tolerate once thing after another with the current government, be it health care scandals or politicians in hot water, and as far as I can see it's all because they just like Bertie as our leader!
For me, he just doesn't inspire any conviction in what he says and his stance most issues is to just take the opposing view to the government. This really goads me as while the government certainly don't get it right in a lot of areas, not everything they do is wrong but Enda and Co. will still voice an alternate opinion.
lemeister I think you'll find that's the nature of being the opposition. I think that if Fianna Fail were the opposition they would do exactly the same thing - it's just that Fine Gael have been the opposition for so long it looks like it's just something they do! As for Enda being wooden - I agree he does come across this way a bit but that's back to my point - is it just a popularity contest? In that regard Bertie's arrogance certainly gets on my goat!
Personally speaking, I would love if there was an strong opposition to the current government. Make politics more interesting and gives the public a real choice come election time. I would just wish that Enda and Pat could show leadership. As mentioned above, there is an awful lot of negative politics going on. The government announces something and Enda cries out. And you are correct when you say that is the nature of being in opposition but I want my opposition to be ramming their ideas down my throat. I want to be told how they are going make my nightmare commute in Dublin easier, how they are going to fix the health service. (And for me to think they are good ideas). I don't just want to be told that the government ideas are rubbish.

Another thing that I don't like about the opposition is the seemingly lack of depth in the parties. Apart from Enda, Pat and Richard Bruton, I would struggle to name the transport or health spokesperson.

Also I would much rather go a pint with Bertie and Michael than Enda and Pat!!
As was mentioned on the radio this morning, the fact that Enda and Pat asked multi-layered questions was enough to totally screw up the way they appeared, and to let Bertie off the hook.

Asking such questions let Bertie answer only the ones he wanted, and ignore the ones he didn't like or want to answer.

All either of them had to do to show they were a proper opposition was to stand up and ask one question each.

1. Do you think what you did was wrong? (Seeing as they were intent on asking this question)

2. Where did you get the €50,000 savings that you keep talking about?

Pushing for answers of only those two questions would have done a lot more than they achieved yesterday.

You really gotta wonder about the advisors that are behind these people that they can't work out such simplicities. Then again, remember Enda's drunk tank speech. Couldn't expect any better really.
You really gotta wonder about the advisors that are behind these people that they can't work out such simplicities. Then again, remember Enda's drunk tank speech. Couldn't expect any better really.

Well having seen the FG poster campaign, I'm not wondering about their advisors at all. It sounds like their current campaign is coming from Posters R Us with their sombre looking Endas telling us he "will lead a government that works as hard as you do" and "it's time for a new team". Terribly convincing all the same...

I like my opposition to come up with ideas of their own. Somehow, FG and Labour don't appear to be able to do anything other than whinge about the current incumbants. It's not all that inspiring.
As was mentioned on the radio this morning, the fact that Enda and Pat asked multi-layered questions was enough to totally screw up the way they appeared, and to let Bertie off the hook.

Asking such questions let Bertie answer only the ones he wanted, and ignore the ones he didn't like or want to answer.

All either of them had to do to show they were a proper opposition was to stand up and ask one question each.

1. Do you think what you did was wrong? (Seeing as they were intent on asking this question)

2. Where did you get the €50,000 savings that you keep talking about?

Pushing for answers of only those two questions would have done a lot more than they achieved yesterday.

You really gotta wonder about the advisors that are behind these people that they can't work out such simplicities. Then again, remember Enda's drunk tank speech. Couldn't expect any better really.

Could not agree more when Enda got his chance he droned on and on and on like the bore he appears to be, all high moral ground.
He had a chance to actually ask a direct question and demand an answer yet he chose to waffle on and on until he was force to shut up in the end.
I like my opposition to come up with ideas of their own.

Not much point in doing this, at least until an election is imminent, as the Govt would simply steal all the good ideas, implement them and claim the credit. This problem dogs the main opposition parties in all countries and helps to explain why the Democrats in the US, and the Tories in the UK, have tended to struggle while in opposition over the past decade or so.
All either of them had to do to show they were a proper opposition was to stand up and ask one question each.

1. Do you think what you did was wrong?

I thought I saw Pat Rabitte asking this precise question in the Dail on the 9pm news last night?
When I look at him I sense "coward". He is not leader material.

I actually went for a job interview with Fine Gael a few years back. They were an unbelievably close minded bunch* so I'm not surprised they elected someone like him as leader.

*We were talking politics. They could not comprehend I had sympathy for the Palestinian cause. All they could do was drop their mouths and say "but the bombs!!". Scary stuff...
A vote for Enda is a vote for Pat and Bertie is better than Pat, no matter how bad Bertie gets. If Labour had not been taken over by DL a few years ago I would like to see Enda in office. Bring back Ruairi Quinn...
For me, he just doesn't inspire any conviction in what he says and his stance most issues is to just take the opposing view to the government. This really goads me as while the government certainly don't get it right in a lot of areas, not everything they do is wrong but Enda and Co. will still voice an alternate opinion.

Ahern 1996 to the Dail (While in Opposition)
We would regard any attempt to push Partnership for Peace or participation in Western European Union tasks by resolution in this House without reference to the people who under our Constitution have the right ‘in final appeal to decide all questions of national policy’ as a serious breach of faith and fundamentally undemocratic.

1997 Fianna Fail Manifesto (While in Opposition)
We will oppose any moves to edge Ireland closer to membership of an alliance still committed to the deployment and use of nuclear weapons. We oppose Irish participation in N.A.T.O. itself, [and] in N.A.T.O.-led organisations such as the Partnership for Peace

January 1999 (Having been elected to government)
I would envisage, all going well that Ireland will join the Partnership for Peace on a mutually agreed basis in the second half of this year, and the Government will be working towards that timetable.

May 1999
The Government is to publish an information paper on its plan for Ireland’s membership of the NATO-linked Partnership for Peace organisation. But the Taoiseach told a news conference it remained the Coalition’s firm position that the issue did not require a referendum.

Pick your favourites if you must, and for whatever reasons you see fit. But make sure your reasons are valid.

Ahern 1996 to the Dail (While in Opposition)
We would regard any attempt to push Partnership for Peace or participation in Western European Union tasks by resolution in this House without reference to the people who under our Constitution have the right ‘in final appeal to decide all questions of national policy’ as a serious breach of faith and fundamentally undemocratic.

1997 Fianna Fail Manifesto (While in Opposition)
We will oppose any moves to edge Ireland closer to membership of an alliance still committed to the deployment and use of nuclear weapons. We oppose Irish participation in N.A.T.O. itself, [and] in N.A.T.O.-led organisations such as the Partnership for Peace

January 1999 (Having been elected to government)
I would envisage, all going well that Ireland will join the Partnership for Peace on a mutually agreed basis in the second half of this year, and the Government will be working towards that timetable.

May 1999
The Government is to publish an information paper on its plan for Ireland’s membership of the NATO-linked Partnership for Peace organisation. But the Taoiseach told a news conference it remained the Coalition’s firm position that the issue did not require a referendum.

Pick your favourites if you must, and for whatever reasons you see fit. But make sure your reasons are valid.


"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. "
Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Those are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others."

-- Groucho Marx