My understanding was that at least some of the people on the Trip came from Ireland. But even if they were all resident in the UK, my reading of the rules is that Gift tax would still have been owed because Bertie was himself a resident of Ireland. Unless the law was changed after this particular trip.
Regardless, you have the then Finance Minister, the current Taoiseach, receiving money and not declaring it. Don't you think if he had told revenue all about this money and it was all above board, those would have been the first words out of his mouth in the Dail when confronted with it?
Some of you may be content to leave him has Taoiseach and wait until he has retired before Revenue get a chance to look into it. Keep the other guys out of government until they come up with a leader that doesn't look like a charater from a kids book.
I'd like to think that a political leader who can't explain himself and only "remembers" new details when confronted with them would be subject to a little more scrutiny. I'd have thought the stench of financial irregularities would trump someones haircut when deciding the next Taoiseach.
Innocent until proven guilty is one thing. Above questioning until proven guilty is entirely different. A political leader who can't answer legitiamte questions is not fit to hold office.
There is something rotten at the heart of this whole affair, and it shouldn't be allowed to drop off the radar of either the media or the public. If we know anything about these issues from past experience, it's that the truth will come out as slowly as those involved can manage. When you stop asking the questions that's the limit of how much truth you'll get.
Not to drag this into conspiracy theory land, but I can't help wondering if Mary Harney's sudden departure is in anyway connected to all of this.
How much and when she knew has yet to be fully explored.
If it turns out she evacuated the PD leadership rather than lead the PD's in support of Ahern then McDowell's stunt up the lamp post becomes all the more laughable, and her otherwise good record ends with a big black mark, or at least a big black question mark.