Ireland Vs France-The French Goal!!

The balls in FIFAs court on this one. In most sports, if someone did what Henry did, they'd get a career ending suspension from the sport. Lets see what FIFA does about this.

Rubbish. Show me where. Even drug cheats don't get lifetime bans
Rubbish. Show me where. Even drug cheats don't get lifetime bans

What about Flavio Briatore in Formula 1 - lifetime ban for doing something that gave his driver an advantage in a Grand Prix. And it didnt impact on the outcome of the World Championship because his team were not in contention.

What about the 8 men out scandal in Baseball? - all got lifetime bans.

What about Art Schlicter in the NFL? - again a lifetime ban.
What about Flavio Briatore in Formula 1 - lifetime ban for doing something that gave his driver an advantage in a Grand Prix. And it didnt impact on the outcome of the World Championship because his team were not in contention.

What about the 8 men out scandal in Baseball? - all got lifetime bans.

What about Art Schlicter in the NFL? - again a lifetime ban.

Briatore asked a driver to crash a car. Reckless and could have cost lives.
Did the driver get banned for doing it? No.

Don't follow baseball or NFL so will take your word for it but hardly qualifies as 'most' sports. I can give examples from most sports where 'cheating' does not lead to lifetime bans or anything close.
In most sports, if someone did what Henry did, they'd get a career ending suspension from the sport. Lets see what FIFA does about this.

Thats the point, football is not like most sports. Cheating is a part of the game, whether it is diving or pulling shirts in the penalty box.
Sunny, why are you being so negative here. You're the only one saying forget about it and don't go on about it. You're saying we probably would have lost on penalties anyway.
Do you not think we were cheated last night? Do you not think we should have at least had the opportunity to take it to penalties?
The whole point is - we were cheated out of the chance to go to penalties - who is to say we could not have won??

So many people are of the attitude - ah the french would of won anyway - i dont get it?

At least we can be very proud of our team - more than the french can be... and from what i have been reading on the net...they are very dissapointed too.... but i am sure their dissapointment will dissipate soon enough!
The great thing about the Henry incident is that it has deflected attention away from the question of why we never played like that in the qualifiers. If on even two or three occasions we had, we wouldn't have had to be in a play off to be cheated of a spot in the World Cup.

Good job we voted Yes to Lisbon, we can scrap neutrality and go to war with France, they're cheese eating surrender monkeys anyway.
Sunny, why are you being so negative here. You're the only one saying forget about it and don't go on about it. You're saying we probably would have lost on penalties anyway.
Do you not think we were cheated last night? Do you not think we should have at least had the opportunity to take it to penalties?

I am not being negative and I am not saying we probably would have lost on penalties but there was a good chance we would have. Nobody knows.

Of course we were robbed last night but we are not exactly the first team to suffer from bad decisions and I hate other teams going on about it so I am not going to be hypocritical about it. We are out after a heroic performance. End of story. Having justice ministers asking for replays is populist rubbish.
Did he really interview him? What did he say?

Ivan Yates , believe it or not, was dumbfounded at the replies he got from this so-called professional.

You really need to hear it first-hand to savour the impact on your senses:mad:
I am not being negative and I am not saying we probably would have lost on penalties but there was a good chance we would have. Nobody knows.

Why would there be a good chance that we would have lost on penalties; a chance yes but not necessarily a good one, especially the way that France played last night.
Why would there be a good chance that we would have lost on penalties; a chance yes but not necessarily a good one, especially the way that France played last night.

Of course there was a good chance. If you accept it is a lottery it is at least 50:50 we would have lost. If you believe that player quality comes into it then France would have been favourites especially considering two of Ireland's first choice penalty takers had gone off injured.

It's not the point though. We were robbed but no-one died. It's sport. Its there to be enoyed in all its beauty and ugliness. All this is taking away from what was Ireland's finest ever performance in my view. Henry and the match officials should be embarassed but calling for replays and lifetime bans is just plain stupid.
My recollection is hazy but doesn't Henry have some "previous" in this regard.

I can recall him feigning injury in a match in either the last World cup or Euro championships. The replay showed he hadn't been touched, much less hurt.

Henry's assertion that he told the ref he handled and that it's not really his fault the gal was allowed is mealy-mouthed. Did this occur after the extended goal celebration during which he milked the fans reaction?

The experience contrasts with that of Robbie Fowler who, while he was playing for Liverpool was awrded a penalty. He immediately (and this is the distinction) told the refer he hadn't been fouled and the penalty wasn't given.
Personally, I don't just blame the Officials & Henry.

I think it's the Banks, Property Developers, & Fianna Fail

Oh...and the Public Sector too.
That was not the referee on newstalk this morning! It was someone impersonating him!
Ivan Yates , believe it or not, was dumbfounded at the replies he got from this so-called professional.

You really need to hear it first-hand to savour the impact on your senses:mad:

Please tell me you are joking - that was a complete wind-up interview! :)
The experience contrasts with that of Robbie Fowler who, while he was playing for Liverpool was awrded a penalty. He immediately (and this is the distinction) told the refer he hadn't been fouled and the penalty wasn't given.

Actually the penalty was still given and Fowler scored it!
Henry's assertion that he told the ref he handled and that it's not really his fault the gal was allowed is mealy-mouthed. Did this occur after the extended goal celebration during which he milked the fans reaction?

He didn't claim to have told the ref. He said he told Richard Dunne that it was handball and Dunne told him that 'he wasn't the ref' i.e. It was the refs fault for not spotting it.

Anyway I am obviously on my own calling for a bit of prespective so I will call it a day but instead of people e-mailing FIFA asking for replays, why not email them asking them to get with the times and introduce technology.
The more people that call for a replay the better.

The bandwago has started Brady, Justice Minister - go for it everyone.