Behaviour that annoys me about air travel...

I've noticed that a lot of passengers just seem to throw their luggage into the first available space as they walk down the aircraft regardless of how near it is to their seat. This means the people sitting in those seats can't keep their luggage close to them but have to go further down the aircraft looking for a space. I actually saw an argument about this on a plane a couple of years ago.
Why do people do this? I can understand if you're one of the last people to board and just have to take what's available. But if you're boarding in good time it doesn't make much sense and means, at landing, people are trying to squeeze down the plane to get to their bags.

I put my bag under my feet/seat - avoids all the mayhem and mad rush for overhead space.

The reason people do this is that they only care about themselves and have no thought for their fellow passengers. These are probably the same people who recline their seats on UK personal stereos at excessive volume... hog the armrest... leave the toilet in an untidy state...etc
Can I hijack the thread? [oooooh, hijack in a thread about planes]

The plane lands, has come to a stop and doors will be open in a minute or two

You're sitting outside, relaxing and waiting and the person inside you is stressing, looking at you and "excuse me, excuse me"

Why the mad panic to stand up? Doors are not open, you are not going anywhere. Even if you are the first to stand up and have your bag you're saving maybe two minutes at most

I don't understand :confused:

Just sit, wait until the doors are open, the aisle is pretty clear and relax until then

There's always a huge rush to get off the plane. I think it's an Irish thing. I used to think it was claustrophobia. I just think now that it's more like some hair brained idea that the first off the plane gets their luggage first !
Flown all over, it is a pretty universal thing. Myself I hate to find myself blocked in by a person who thinks that sitting there until the plane is empty is their prerogative (and I do mean empty - happened to me twice last year - both times I really needed to go to the loo and had waited until I was at the airport since it was a short flight and mr easy on the outside was gently snoring his way through a morning flight. So my courtesy cost me an uncomfortable wait until the rude person decided it was time for them to move)
What bugs me most though are
People who still haven't heard about the liquid restrictions
People who don't empty their pockets
People who have to be told to take off their jackets
People who argue about their shoes (saw one guy in a pair of steel cap boots kicking up a fuss once -idiot)
The tray return system at Gatwick (single point of return)
People who throw up small bags that could easily fit under the seat because they want to use the leg room - it is utterly selfish
People who throw bags up any old way without consideration for optimising the amount of space for everyone -especially those who put cases up sideways. It wastes other people's time rearranging their luggage and causes queues to back up
People who recline their seats as the plane is taking off
People who have to be told by the staff to turn off music devices more than once
People who talk, read, giggle through the safety demo, I see those demos more than most people but I always pay attention out of courtesy to the staff
Ryanair staff insisting on ludicrous conformance to their one bag rule (I am not opposed to the rule - just to some of the things that they insist constitute a second bag)
People who kick the back of the seat constantly or let their children do so
People who stand right against the baggage return, it is stupid, it means no-one can see anything, no-one has room to remove a bag
People who travel with too much luggage - most people pack way more than they use then they are struggling around with baggage they can't handle
People who range their trolleys against the baggage return, it is stupid in terms of taking off bags and it is dangerous to you and to others
People who bunch up at the point the baggage is disgorged, trust me I don't want to steal your dirty underwear... Or your clean underwear for that matter
People who put small children in between them and the baggage return, that is just dangerous
People who stand in front of you if you sensibly opt to leave a space between you and the baggage return
The irritating advertising on RyanAir flights
The pointless trumpeting when they land
The stupid clapping from people on landing - you don't clap at a cash register
It's nearly 17 minutes long!!! And he claimed in the first minute that the EU chase him through the courts for selling cheap flights - I am prtty confident that has never been the charge :)
So-crates, you have hit the nail on the head with so many of those points!

Also, Ryanair staff doing safety demonstrations with accents so heavy you can't understand them. Not sure that it is safe at all.

I remember being overweight on a Ryanair flight a years ago, it was something like 1.5kg. I calmly opened the case, took out the jacket on the top and put it on, placing the case back on the weigh belt. The attendant said 'You can't do that'.....I asked why not, I am only wearing the jacket and hey presto, I am now bang on my weight allowance.
Hah, just the post about weight

Some people have wondered why they get hammered for being a kg over the luggage allowance but the hefty person behind them could weigh fifty kg more.

Anyway, I was told there is a airport in Connemara, think it's called Inverin and before the flight the crew get the passengers to one by one stand on a scales and everyone standing around sees their weight
Can't see a lot of people being impressed with that :p

It's to balance the plane and distribute the weight,

I was told in another thread that I post urban myths on AAM but I'm pretty certain this one is true
That one is probably true given the size of the plane it would be relevant! What is an urban myth was that line that RyanAir staff were feeding passengers who asked why there were rows blocked off ... Same excuse :) balancing weight ... On a 747-800
So-crates, you have hit the nail on the head with so many of those points!

Also, Ryanair staff doing safety demonstrations with accents so heavy you can't understand them. Not sure that it is safe at all.

It can't be, but I reckon it is a consequence of the general approach of ignoring the safety demonstration, why would any demonstrator invest effort in it if they get a response that is dishearteningly dismissive of them and their job.

I remember being overweight on a Ryanair flight a years ago, it was something like 1.5kg. I calmly opened the case, took out the jacket on the top and put it on, placing the case back on the weigh belt. The attendant said 'You can't do that'.....I asked why not, I am only wearing the jacket and hey presto, I am now bang on my weight allowance.

Hehehehe read this and I thought you meant you yourself were overweight not your baggage! Too true though!!
Years ago my skinny sister was slightly over her baggage allowance and when they tried to charge her she started pointing out that she was still way under the average weight on the flight and demanding that people should be weighed with their luggage.

Apparently the checkin people were laughing so much they let her off without paying. It wasn't Ryanair of course which helped. Also I gather pretty 22-year-olds often get an easier run :D
Years ago my skinny sister was slightly over her baggage allowance and when they tried to charge her she started pointing out that she was still way under the average weight on the flight and demanding that people should be weighed with their luggage.

Apparently the checkin people were laughing so much they let her off without paying. It wasn't Ryanair of course which helped. Also I gather pretty 22-year-olds often get an easier run :D

Brilliant! Looks and smarts - she'll go far :)
Hehehehe read this and I thought you meant you yourself were overweight not your baggage! Too true though!!

I could do.with losing 2 or 3 pound but am in the average band for my height! Agree that a combined weight of passenger and luggage is needed.

The urban myth is not a myth....I was subjected to being weighed when flying from North to South Island in New Zealand! Was a little 5 seater of my worst flights ever!
What bugs me most though are
People who still haven't heard about the liquid restrictions
People who don't empty their pockets
People who have to be told to take off their jackets
People who argue about their shoes (saw one guy in a pair of steel cap boots kicking up a fuss once -idiot)
The tray return system at Gatwick (single point of return)
People who throw up small bags that could easily fit under the seat because they want to use the leg room - it is utterly selfish
People who throw bags up any old way without consideration for optimising the amount of space for everyone -especially those who put cases up sideways. It wastes other people's time rearranging their luggage and causes queues to back up
People who recline their seats as the plane is taking off
People who have to be told by the staff to turn off music devices more than once
People who talk, read, giggle through the safety demo, I see those demos more than most people but I always pay attention out of courtesy to the staff
Ryanair staff insisting on ludicrous conformance to their one bag rule (I am not opposed to the rule - just to some of the things that they insist constitute a second bag)
People who kick the back of the seat constantly or let their children do so
People who stand right against the baggage return, it is stupid, it means no-one can see anything, no-one has room to remove a bag
People who travel with too much luggage - most people pack way more than they use then they are struggling around with baggage they can't handle
People who range their trolleys against the baggage return, it is stupid in terms of taking off bags and it is dangerous to you and to others
People who bunch up at the point the baggage is disgorged, trust me I don't want to steal your dirty underwear... Or your clean underwear for that matter
People who put small children in between them and the baggage return, that is just dangerous
People who stand in front of you if you sensibly opt to leave a space between you and the baggage return
The irritating advertising on RyanAir flights
The pointless trumpeting when they land
The stupid clapping from people on landing - you don't clap at a cash register

Fabulous post. I could add to that - the people who are driving out of the short term car park, and insist on braking suddenly on seeing the ticket kiosk in front of them. Duh, that thing that you should have in your hand or in front of you is a ticket that you just paid for. Now you must put it in the machine !
Great post from So-crates and I agree with every word. The occupier of the seat underneath the hand-luggage bin has little or no call on the bin. But, I can see the irritation of somebody sitting underneath who has to locate free space elsewhere.

However, to add to So-crates list:- You travel to Spain and the family from hell are sitting in front of you. They have kids running all over the place. Anytime they open the overhead bins to get some brand unknown crisps they return to their seats but leaving the bin door open on every occasion. They are extremely noisy and why should you object to their loud renditions of "Go on Home British Soldiers go on home . . ."

You arrive in Spain and have a 2 hour drive to get to your destination but first you have to pick up your hired car. Granda steps on to the aircraft aisle and lets nobody pass until the family has alighted having sent search parties to recover bags on every bin in the plane. They are going to the high rise resort ten minutes from the airport, of course.

Finally, you manage to get off the plane. You cannot pass them on the way to the luggage carousels and exit because they are all strewn across the corridor walking at a snail's pace. You say "Excuse me . . ." but you might as well be talking to the wall.
You arrive in Spain and have a 2 hour drive to get to your destination but first you have to pick up your hired car... They are going to the high rise resort ten minutes from the airport, of course.

Only comfort you have then :)