Your random money saving tips?

And what happens if it gets more and more cloudy with climate change or someone builds a high rise apartment block next to you blocking out the sun ?
well, they will be building in the mud of the estuary, which is not beyond the bounds of possibility i suppose.
It's a case of paying my money and taking my chances. I'll come back to you in 20 years to see if my money saving tip worked out. :cool:

And I like the guttering turbine idea, but if it rains that much i'm afraid my house will be underwater so all this will be a moot point anyway.
True. But the pharmacist may not have these in stock!

But Dr Lecter might. And some Fava beans!!!!
If our usage is €3k a year, and we can even get half that generated by solar, then we're getting a 13% return on investment.
We spent 8k after grant on solar. 13 panels, 5kw battery and Eddi. 11 months later haven't paid an electricity bill since and still have over 200 euro credit from gov credit. We charge battery and run certain appliances at cheap EV rate at night. Payback period should be circa 5 years. Haven't changed behaviour massively and probably could save more if we cut back electric shower usage.

Those with south facing roofs and decent roof space should definitely consider it.