Woman proposing to the man!!!!


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I was just wondering what people think of this?
I am usually very traditional when it comes to the man asking the woman all the major things in life...
How would the man feel if he was proposed too?

Has anyone got any experiences good or bad??
I reckon that given the fear of committment that a lot of men seem to have, many women 'proposing' would be maybe as a last resort and not through real choice.

But other than that - why not?
Its such a hard one I don't think I could have done it, I'd have felt he obviously doesn't want to marry me or he'd have asked himself! If he hasn't asked maybe he doesn't want too? Not everyone does. Are you together long? Do you live together? Have you spoken about marriage. I don't know anyone who has done it,
hi angry girl just seen your other post about being together a year and that your happy. Maybe give him the time to ask you that's just me thou!
While I think its ok - I wouldnt do it myself

Could you bring it up in conversation and hint heavily youre waiting for him to ask?
Would you have to ask his mum or his dad for permission? If it was his mum, the 2 of you could go out the back and share a cigar during the asking process..
If it was his mum, the 2 of you could go out the back and share a cigar during the asking process..

Why does this remind me of Monica Lewinsky?

Back on topic - Angrygirl - you could do what my wife did with me: talk for 6 months about what her ideal proposal would be......."but no pressure loike boiy"
The traditionalist in me would probably wait and see what happens, i'm in no hurry to get married really i don't know if i'd have the guts to do it, just wondering what the thoughts were on this..
He has asked what would be the most romantic way a man could do this, and when friends have gotten engaged he has asked what i think of the rings etc...
We are living together and talking about a family and stuff...
How would the man feel if he was proposed too?
Not ideal methinks. Instead of asking him if he will marry you just ask him if he intends to ask you, at some point in the not too distant future, to marry him; if asked in a relaxed manner he should have no problem with it, it'll waken him up a bit.
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He has asked what would be the most romantic way a man could do this, and when friends have gotten engaged he has asked what i think of the rings etc...

He is definitely thinking about it!!!!

I went onto Red Alert with my OH when he looked into my jewellery box and asked which rings fitted which fingers, followed by a casual stroll past a jewellers where he asked what style did I like in diamond rings........

2 months later, no proposal, I gradually went moved back down to Code Yellow - we'd even been on a romantic holiday and no proposal - then just as I was thinking he'd only been asking the above casually he surprised me by proposing!!
He has also said he'd like a baby soon!! he brought up the topic last week and asked me if i wanted to have kids with him and make a life together, of course i do so i said yea def...

In a man's head when is "soon".?.

I don't want to ask him to put a time frame on it as I would like it to just happen instead of putting loads of pressure on the situation..

(I can't believe i'm bearing all about my life on this thread)

Thanks for all your comments
Do you have a birthday or anything coming up? A holiday planned? Any kind of event that he could use to propose?

Maybe he is still teasing out the details of how he is going to do it?
In a man's head when is "soon".?.

Ahhhh.....the eternal question: when is "soon" - well it depends on what is coming at the end of "soon".

For items like beer, food, football, sex etc soon is really soon, as in within 60 minutes; anything else can wait
Do you have a birthday or anything coming up? A holiday planned? Any kind of event that he could use to propose?

Yea we are going on hol's in July.. to be honest it hadn't even entered my head until he brought it up and now its drivin me mad....
Hi Angrygirl,

I was in the same boat as you a couple of years ago. We were going out about 5 or 6 years, had a house etc. I was getting really impatient and wondering when he'd ask as I knew it was on the way. I even found a brochure for engagement rings in a bag after he'd been in town!
Along came my birthday with a surprise night away in a gorgeous hotel - no ring, then came Christmas - no ring! Then on St. Stephen's day during a walk in the park he proposed. I was never so shocked - even though I knew it was coming up.
Basically after all that my advice to you is do your best to forget about it. My H2B told me that it was really important to him that he surprised me when he proposed. It's now my favourite memory sitting on a bench in the park in the cold looking scruffy - not how I would have pictured it!

Best of luck! Triona
Triona thats so sweet... I was doing fine till he started talking about it and now i cant get it out of my head...I'd love it to be a suprise as well so advice taken...I'm gonna stop thinking about it(yea right) and just enjoy being happy

Angrygirl, enjoy the anticipation while you can - the Buddhists believe that true happiness is in the anticipation of the happy event, not the experience of the event itself - so youre in the happy zone now, enjoy!!

You'll soon enough be on telling us your romantic proposal story Im sure!

I also reccomend waiting, I went on and on as we'd been togeter for some time, owned a home and all that and then made a New Years resolution not to talk about it anymore. Then when least expected he proposed on Jan 30th, it's worth the wait and the surprise. After the fact I found out he was waiting until he had all the money he needed to buy me a proper ring and not skimp.

Best of luck holding back on asking and trying notto think about it. I was never so surprised!!
