You are only offered emergency accommodation like a hostel, or a hotel if kids are involved, if you are in danger of having no roof over your head.
If you are staying with parents, even sleeping on the floor, you can register as homeless. But you are not necessarily considered an emergency by virtue of having a roof over your head and access to basic items like showers, toilets etc.
You would be offered emergency accommodation if you reported that your parents were intent on evicting you. But if they were not, at best your situation would be assessed by social care worker, and perhaps funding to buy some mattresses.
If social care worker deemed conditions below acceptable standards, its possible, but not guaranteed a hotel could be offered. But in the main, living in overcrowded conditions with parents is generally not deemed a reason to offer emergency accommodation.
According to report I attached earlier, there are 71,858 people on social housing list. 3,465 have cited overcrowding as the main need for social housing supports - they are still waiting, and are not living in hotels!
The quickest way to get onto a social housing list is to fill out an application form from a local authority - not this elaborate 'expert' scheme to take advantage of the system.
These people had accommodation, they were paying rent, are they working? Did they give up jobs too?
Apparently they were offered hotel accommodation but didn't stay there. They stayed at parents house. Someone told them to 'show up' at hotel (who?) - wouldn't cleaners become curious if rooms were never slept in? Or are they all in on this cunning plot also?
Wouldn't hotel management think, perhaps I could let out these rooms for general commercial use and make a profit, or is having homeless people and their kids the prime market these days?