The Boss has also picked this one up. It is to be fair not new, it is what you have been saying all along. Your philosophy is that if it has a price then it has a value,
And a few weeks ago, you tried your best and failed to deconstruct the clear reality - which is that Bitcoin scores very well comparatively when assessed in terms of the universally accepted characteristics of a good store of value.
you don't give a toss about things like intrinsic value. It's a position I would never have the courage to adopt myself.
You underestimate your abilities your Dukeness - when you big up the goodness of the greatest conjob in terms of intrinsic value ever created following the dropping of the Gold Standard - FIAT money!
Now tecate believes, for him Bitcoin is the Second Coming.
Ready to take the Pepsi Challenge and see who the real 'cultists' are?
- I've acknowledged that Bitcoin could conceivably go to zero (whereas yourself and Brendan won't hear of the notion that bitcoin will continue to be successful).
- I've acknowledged that Bitcoin could be usurped by another digital currency.
- I've acknowledged that ALL markets can be irrational and gotten in and out of Bitcoin on a number of occasions already on that basis.
- I'm vested in a few other digital assets that we have not discussed here.
- I've acknowledged a number of issues that Bitcoin needs to improve upon to appeal to the mass market (usability, volatility, ease of storage, etc.).
All the while, the two of you can't be objective enough to recognise one single facet of decentralised digital currencies that's positive. That's telling as regards who is a 'cultist'.