Sarenco, stop with the jibberish and stop pretending all is black and white, just because you read it in a school text book.
If, by your definition, a rent adjusted LA tenant is automatically "wont pay", I have already stated that an eviction should be invoked in such circumstances. Let me know if you can understand this much;
If you get past that, then perhaps you can join reality for a while. Because what you are saying is that a LA tenant who "wont pay" will face eviction, possibly homelessness if they have nowhere else to go, and go back on the waiting list for a...LA house!!!

How many of the 15% LA tenants in arrears are we talking about here - 1, maybe 2? Is this how you envisage the housing crisis might be resolved?
On the other hand, despite the rent differential applicable, is it possible that substandard, unrepaired properties, unresolved landlord/tenant disputes are contributing to the arrears?
Perhaps there are households with young families but daddy (or mammy) has taken to the drink or has wracked up gambling debts, that has put that household in arrears? Perhaps LA's take real life complications such as that into account before evicting anyone as that may only cement the poverty trap for the children?
Perhaps you could take time to wonder why 50% of homeless families in Cork refuse accommodation? Drug-dealing in the chosen area is apparently a regularly cited deterrent to taking up accommodation.
Perhaps you could take time to read BB new thread on a RTE report citing homeless families refusing to take accommodation?
Why you keep bleating on about housing units being destroyed or erased is beyond me.