just a cut and paste from irish times article explaining seanad election and how the electorate is so exclusive, most of the hot air is about the university electorate but the fact that 43 senators are elected by only 1169 voters and 11 are appointed by the taoiseach. Also they multiply this vote by a 1000 which I didn't know about before which gives the illusion of a large vote base as that's whats reported when they publish seanad results
Who elects the 60 Senators?
Incoming TDs (160), outgoing Senators (60) and local authority councillors (941) a total of 1,169 voters, elect 43 Senators on five vocational panels in what is one of the most exclusive electoral clubs in the world.
This is such a small electorate that the votes are multiplied by 1,000 as otherwise they would be counting fractions of votes in later vote transfers."
Who elects the 60 Senators?
Incoming TDs (160), outgoing Senators (60) and local authority councillors (941) a total of 1,169 voters, elect 43 Senators on five vocational panels in what is one of the most exclusive electoral clubs in the world.
This is such a small electorate that the votes are multiplied by 1,000 as otherwise they would be counting fractions of votes in later vote transfers."