Which beer is best quality?

You need to get out more, Cav!

Beamish has a slightly burnt taste from it. Murphy's is much smoother and Guinness is somewhere in the middle.
Jasus, the Beamish must be deadly hot stuff altogether, boy.

Blaze at iconic Guinness plant

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Firefighters managed to bring the blaze at St James's Gate under control. Photo: Stephen Collins
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A blaze broke out at the iconic Guinness plant in Dublin city centre as workmen repaired a roof.
Crews from six units of the Dublin Fire Brigade and aerial appliances successfully battled to bring the fire under control and stop it from spreading to a nearby ammonia plant.
Motorists were warned to avoid the area surrounding the Victoria Quay and gardai put diversions in place.
It is understood the blaze broke out when building materials being used by workmen to repair a felt roof with a torch caught fire.
A spokeswoman for Guinness said there was a small fire in a rarely used building where empty storage tanks are kept.
"There were no injuries to any personnel and the fire has been extinguished," she said.
"An internal investigation is under way to find out exactly what the cause of the accident was."
Out of curiosity...Has anyone drank the guiness that our Nigerian friends would prefer, I understand that as in Ireland Nigerians favourite tipple is Guiness but it is brewed for thier palate and somewhat different from a guiness I would buy in my local. How does it differ and is it a nice pint ? I imagine it would be sold in Dublin.
Out of curiosity...Has anyone drank the guiness that our Nigerian friends would prefer, I understand that as in Ireland Nigerians favourite tipple is Guiness but it is brewed for thier palate and somewhat different from a guiness I would buy in my local. How does it differ and is it a nice pint ? I imagine it would be sold in Dublin.

Strong content and strong taste. Available in Dunnes Stores.
(if drinking 5 bottles of beer over few hours)
STELLA = KILLS ME even one..
BUD - Oh god help me
Miller - yuk
Coor lights - not too bad headache gone after few hours
Heiniekn - no way, I need solphadine after one..
Pints, forget about it, I will be drunk after 2 and puking after 4 and crying after 5 hahaha.

So what do I do, dont drink much but when I do... Bulmers lights... and no hangover...?
so beer = no
cider = yes (but only B light)
(if drinking 5 bottles of beer over few hours)
STELLA = KILLS ME even one..
BUD - Oh god help me
Miller - yuk
Coor lights - not too bad headache gone after few hours
Heiniekn - no way, I need solphadine after one..
Pints, forget about it, I will be drunk after 2 and puking after 4 and crying after 5 hahaha.

So what do I do, dont drink much but when I do... Bulmers lights... and no hangover...?
so beer = no
cider = yes (but only B light)

Have you tried Bulmers Midstrenght - tastes like the real thing but only 2.5% proof.

Stella is soap!
Stella, for me, is a ghastly tasting beer, and is too strong.

It just shows how something poor can succeed if the marketing is good.
Stella, for me, is a ghastly tasting beer, and is too strong.

It just shows how something poor can succeed if the marketing is good.

In fairness Stella used to be ok when it was a smaller beer and not as massed produced.

However, funny how their marketing department fails to recognise it being the official beer of English Football Hooligans.
Isn't Bulmers mid strength gone off the market?

I was getting well into it during the summer until I asked for it one day at the local and was told that they aren't producing it any more!! :(
I wonder does it taste any better in Belgium though?

No, it's still muck. Mind given all the great beers on offer within Belgium it defies me why anyone would consider ordering a Stella while there. It'd be like going to Paris and ignoring all the fine restaurants and just have a standard inferior McDonalds or going to Dublin and ordering a Beamish instead of Guinness.
No, it's still muck. Mind given all the great beers on offer within Belgium it defies me why anyone would consider ordering a Stella while there. It'd be like going to Paris and ignoring all the fine restaurants and just have a standard inferior McDonalds or going to Dublin and ordering a Beamish instead of Guinness.

or going * anywhere * and ordering a Beamish instead of Guinness :D