Which beer is best quality?


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Which popular beer is best for preventing hangovers? I'll drink any of the main beers - Heineken, Carlsberg, Miller, Corona`, Coors etc but some of them give me bad hangovers (e.g. Miller)

Which is the best quality beer (must be widely available in pubs) in either draft or bottle?

Teatime!!!!!!!!! What is understood doesn't have to be discussed!!!!

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Miller turns my stomach, just can't drink it. Corona never gives me bad hangovers.
I don't think any beer is good for preventing hangovers, they generally cause them.

I suffered for years with really bad hangovers, probably alcohol poisoning. In the end, I found the only real solution was to drink less.
Don't drink spirits, don't drink on an empty stomach, and stop drinking when you're nicely drunk.
What about non-alcoholic beer? I find that if i drink any of the non-main beers my hangover is no where near as bad. The problem with all the main beers is that they can contain alot of preservatives/chemicals etc. (Bud is renonwed for this, a doctor once told me it was full of chemicals).
But then it depends on how much you drink, if you have had food, or you can drink less.
As a general rule light beers should be easier on the hangover.

E.g. Coors light, Budweiser etc. I've often found that the stronger tasting the beer, the worse the hangover - not just merely that it may be stronger in alcohol.
if you really want to talk beers, avoid any liquid whose quality is very close to the liquid you'll eventually see when you dispose of it in a natural way ... stuff like budweiser, coors or miller etc.
good quality beer, decent beers from Germany, Czech Republic or Belgium etc, with tradition and made from natural ingredients or good Irish stouts, those you can savor instead of just getting drunk are the best ... just a nice evening in a pub and, even if you had one too many, no bad hangovers ...
Of the big ones i'd go for Carlsberg. At least there is a bit of a bite in it. Heineken, Bud etc are all like dish water.

+1. Czech & German beer in particular. Pilsner Urquell, Gambrinus or Staropramen for starters. From Germany, I'd go for DAB, Erdinger, Paulaner, Radeberger, Franziskaner. All readily available in Ireland.
Budvar used to be ok but Budwieser may have ruined it by now. Haven't tasted it in months.
There's always Becks I suppose but not my thing.

I refuse to drink American beer as I consider it swill. An awful taste and I never feel right the following day.
VOR, there are good quality Belgian beers /no Stella/ - if you go for them, go for trappist beers, great ...
i have a particular weakness for delirium tremens but one bottle is enough, the name isn't ironic but the taste's really good ...
Ron, calling products like Bud, Miller or Coors beer is like calling a mac burger meat ... how about fermented fizzy drinks?

isn't smirnoff ice the only one produced like that ?

As i said they normally do nothing for me but there is something about miller lite.............call it a guilty pleasure