Lets face it..(& i'm normally positive) The country is losing money and jobs at a staggering rate!! The Polish were laughed upon while they came here in their hundreds of thousands to work for a lot less than the Oirish Man and Woman.. They saved and saved and left this country with a lot of cash.. Now they are taking our good aul friendly American companies such as Dell to Poland, leaving the country with less cash and less jobs!! Even Oirish developers have jumped ship and set up in Poland!!!
Yes, we did the same in the States many years back and took their companies here but they had a population over 100 times BIGGER than ours!!
It was reported yesterday that 5000 jobs a week are being lost at the moment!! 5000 a week!!! Tell me, how does a country as small as ours recover from that...
Sorry but one word and one word only has brought this country to it's knees... "GREED" :mad:
Yes, we did the same in the States many years back and took their companies here but they had a population over 100 times BIGGER than ours!!
It was reported yesterday that 5000 jobs a week are being lost at the moment!! 5000 a week!!! Tell me, how does a country as small as ours recover from that...
Sorry but one word and one word only has brought this country to it's knees... "GREED" :mad: