Feeling angry about pay cuts/pension levy is perfectly understandable. However, anger doesn't justify irrationality and immorality.
Consider the position of Protestants in Ulster who felt deeply aggrieved at the loss of their privileged access to jobs and housing - they had developed a sense of entitlement over generations, and felt threatened and angry when their hegemony was challenged by Catholics, and ultimately the British government.
The PS situation is analogous to Ulster at that time - a privileged group, fighting to defend the indefensible.
The only way to sustain the PS at its current size is to continue borrowing at unsustainable levels, and to increase tax levels even more drastically.This approach would of course ultimately destroy the country.
The painful reality is that the PS must be downsized significantly, and radically reformed to deliver services efficiently and cost effectively.
Ulster said 'no', the PS says 'no', the people of Ireland must say 'yes', to any political party that is willing to take the brave and courageous decisions to face down the PS, unions and other vested interest groups - to save Ireland from disaster.