What/What Not to Buy at Lidl/Aldi

Mostly from Lidl (it's closer than Aldi)
Wine (try them all and pick your favourites). I once paid €18 for a Montepulciano d'Abruzzo in a restaurant and found it fine and drinkable, found it in Lidl for about €4.50.
Ice creams and sorbets - get used to the european style and creaminess and you'll never go back.
Cheese - remarkably cheap mozzarella (69c), brie, cottage cheese
Param, serrano, prosciutto - all far cheaper than anywhere else and very edible, aswell as the regular dulano deli style cooked ham. Lovely stuff.
Big tubs of natural low fat yoghurt.
Nappies (have saved so much over the last year) and wipes.
Cleaning products, even down to the scouring sponges.
Any chocolate, schogetten, mr.choc, etc.
Love the cherry 'jaffa' cakes and the shortbread is lovely.

Never get over the change I get when I think I've bought so much.

My bro and his wife got the hiking boots earlier this year, took them to New Zealand, wore them every day, glaciers, hills, wherever and say they were the best buy ever. €15 and €10. They had been looking at ones for nearly €100 each.
Husband has bought a few power tools for ridiculous prices in both Aldi and Lidl and swears by them. The only one that broke down after a few uses was refunded no questions asked. Great returns policy.

Really hate the attitude of 'I wouldn't shop there'. Irish people are really so hung up about brand names.
- all the special offers, that might be great value but you don't really need. (I bought a web cam for €15, which is still in its box!

I bought one of those sit-up benches a few weeks ago. conversation at check out went:

Check out lad: I bought one of them last year.

ME: Any good?

COL: Yeah, great for hanging clothes on!
was in aldi today and they appear to have dug up the remnants of unsold christmas stock ie christmas cakes for €1.49 etc. not interested in them but they also resurrected some of the guinness 24 x500 for under €36. sweet, as cartman would put it.
Limes are 3 for 33c in Lidl, as opposed to 33c each in Superquinn. Guacamole, here I come....
I have recently discovered Lidl sardines. They are very nice and quite chunky. Sardines on toast anyone? :)

Got a car seat massager thing in Lidl yesterday and it's not bad.

They don't seem to have the toilet limescale tablets these days.
I don't know if it's been mentioned before, but I spotted a bread mix (for hand baking or breadmaker) in Lidl last Monday. I tried the rye bread and it's quite tasty.

We also buy from Lidl (because Lidl is close to us):
Orange juice (seems to taste much nicer than most).
Nappies and wipes (of course!!).
Cleaning 'stuff', clothes washing liquid, washing up liquid, general purpose cleaner.
Bin bags.
Premium frozen cod.
Tinned fish, mackrel, sardines, herring, tuna.
Tinned tomatos.
Tomato puree (when available)
Chocolate (any that I have tried was good)
Breakfast cereal.
Baby wash
Kitchen paper
Toilet paper
Dishwasher tablets (and salt and rinse aid)

Don't like:
Frozen peas, every now and then we got a funny taste from them.
Frozen chips, same reason.
The fruit and veg seemed to go off very fast.
Fabric conditioner (didn't like this at all)
I also bought a net of onions yesterday and more than half of them were bad so I won't be buying them again.
If you check which days the fresh fruit/veg is delivered then you won't go wrong. We have been getting our fruit and veg from Lidl for the past year or so and it has always been fresh and lasts as long as any other supplier's. And half the price!!
Must say almost everything in Aldi and Lidl are as good as their equivalent in Dunnes, Tescos etc.
It is easier to list things I don't like from them.

Tins of spaghetti – taste rank
Tins of strawberries – more juice than fruit

That's about it

There was a review of Corn Flakes in the Irish Times yesterday and the ones sold in LIDL were given the same rating (3/5) as Kelloggs.

When they grossed up the price to cost per KG, the LIDL ones were less than €3 per KG while Kelloggs more than €8.
The Dunnes ones were marginally cheaper than the Lidl ones and got the same rating. What idiot writes those IT Pricewatch reviews though - "the [Dunnes] plastic bag enclosing the flakes was a bit flimsy which hindered pouring somewhat" and "the [Lidl] box is and odd shape which may not suit all cupboards"? :rolleyes: