I don't agree with this tax or how the government have gone about introducing it and right now I am not inclined to pay it. I may buckle as at heart I am a goody goody but right now I feel like making a stand and lets face it what will the stand cost me, €20? Oooh big whoop! It will be a small price to pay if the government get a collective kicking from joe public.
I know some of you will think I am petty or picking the wrong fight but I seriously think the pro paying campaign are underestimating people's apathy towards this tax. For me it embodies everything that is wrong with this country. Making the government sweat, even if it is just for a few weeks or months and sending a strong message to the EU,the Troika and anyone else that thinks we are the whipping boys of Europe gives me a certain satisfaction. We are supposed to be the fighting Irish and it is time we stood up for ourselves. I want the government to know I'm not happy with them. I want justice, I want someone to pay for the mess we are in. I want them to prosecute the wayward bankers and builders, strip them of all their assets, jail them.
I am not saying we should do what the Greeks did but in our way (peaceful and not too damaging) we get to say 'Enough'. Get your extra taxes from the wealthy, stop protecting yourselves and your cronies and make everyone pay their fair share.
They say it goes towards cleaning the streets, lighting, grass cutting and other essential maintenance the councils 'supposedly' carry out. I say supposedly because they do the bare minimum. Tell the victims of flooding why the drains are clogged with leaves, why there is rubbish everywhere, why there are holes in the roads, why concrete paths are being lifted by roots of trees they planted in estates all over Dublin and they never fix, why temporary 'tarmac' road coverings have yet to be replaced by concrete even though they charge utility companies reinstatement charges to do so, why they lumbered us with Greyhound for our bins without much notice or alternative etc etc. The councils are useless and paying them another €100 with no guarantee the services they provide will get any better irks me.
This is what is making me hold off not some anti household charge campaign. I am a good law abiding citizen. I have paid every tax they imposed, every penny I owe, I give to charity, I pay the residents association a small fee to help keep my estate looking well etc and I resent being made to feel I am some militant Sinn Feiner because I don't agree with this tax.
I don't think it is fair to tar normal people with being aligned to the People before Profit or Sinn Fein ideology just because they oppose the tax. I for one don't believe in their politics but I also don't believe in the current government's. They are just following the same policies as Fianna Fail before them. Truth is we do what the EU tell us regardless of who is in power. You only have to look at the German government discussing Irish policy before the Irish do to see this. The best we can hope for is decent TD's at a local level regardless of party affiliations. I vote for those that are active in the community, that are available to their constituents and generally care about issues effecting the area's they live in.
The middle classes have had enough. We can't pay for everyone's mistakes. I'm tired of bearing the brunt of the recession and an indiscriminate tax like this is just another example of how out of touch our government are with the people of Ireland.
Is it so wrong that I want them to know this?
I know some of you will think I am petty or picking the wrong fight but I seriously think the pro paying campaign are underestimating people's apathy towards this tax. For me it embodies everything that is wrong with this country. Making the government sweat, even if it is just for a few weeks or months and sending a strong message to the EU,the Troika and anyone else that thinks we are the whipping boys of Europe gives me a certain satisfaction. We are supposed to be the fighting Irish and it is time we stood up for ourselves. I want the government to know I'm not happy with them. I want justice, I want someone to pay for the mess we are in. I want them to prosecute the wayward bankers and builders, strip them of all their assets, jail them.
I am not saying we should do what the Greeks did but in our way (peaceful and not too damaging) we get to say 'Enough'. Get your extra taxes from the wealthy, stop protecting yourselves and your cronies and make everyone pay their fair share.
They say it goes towards cleaning the streets, lighting, grass cutting and other essential maintenance the councils 'supposedly' carry out. I say supposedly because they do the bare minimum. Tell the victims of flooding why the drains are clogged with leaves, why there is rubbish everywhere, why there are holes in the roads, why concrete paths are being lifted by roots of trees they planted in estates all over Dublin and they never fix, why temporary 'tarmac' road coverings have yet to be replaced by concrete even though they charge utility companies reinstatement charges to do so, why they lumbered us with Greyhound for our bins without much notice or alternative etc etc. The councils are useless and paying them another €100 with no guarantee the services they provide will get any better irks me.
This is what is making me hold off not some anti household charge campaign. I am a good law abiding citizen. I have paid every tax they imposed, every penny I owe, I give to charity, I pay the residents association a small fee to help keep my estate looking well etc and I resent being made to feel I am some militant Sinn Feiner because I don't agree with this tax.
I don't think it is fair to tar normal people with being aligned to the People before Profit or Sinn Fein ideology just because they oppose the tax. I for one don't believe in their politics but I also don't believe in the current government's. They are just following the same policies as Fianna Fail before them. Truth is we do what the EU tell us regardless of who is in power. You only have to look at the German government discussing Irish policy before the Irish do to see this. The best we can hope for is decent TD's at a local level regardless of party affiliations. I vote for those that are active in the community, that are available to their constituents and generally care about issues effecting the area's they live in.
The middle classes have had enough. We can't pay for everyone's mistakes. I'm tired of bearing the brunt of the recession and an indiscriminate tax like this is just another example of how out of touch our government are with the people of Ireland.
Is it so wrong that I want them to know this?