We have got rid of the "Reply" and "Quote" buttons

1 This should make life easier for everyone

2. Selectively quoting is better than quoting the entire post in the reply, especially if you only want to say "Thanks"

For what it's worth, its a terrible solution to a non existent problem.

Users who could use it properly now have a much worse experience while those who couldn't will continue find ways to do it badly. Everyone suffers

Users are already using air quotes as an alternative so now it looks even messier than the collapsed full reply

The quote and multiquote tool was useful for pulling selective quotes from multiple comments and multiple threads (if relevant).
to a non existent problem.

Clutter is a problem.

Clean posts are much better.

And you have not had to edit posts where users insert their comments inside the quoted posts.

The solution might not be the right one, but people should stop saying that there was no problem.

There was and we are experimenting with a solution. If it does not work, we can try something else or revert and just live with the problem.
Users are already using air quotes as an alternative so now it looks even messier than the collapsed full reply
Yeah, I've noticed that and it's not helping. Not sure why people are doing it when it's easy to select the relevant text and click the "Reply" button that pops up under the selected text? I've been doing this solely on Android so far and it works fine. I'd expect that it's even easier on a PC where you have the mouse for doing the selection.

The only slight annoyance that I've found is that if I quote part of one post and then move the cursor to before this and quote part of another post, the latter always gets inserted at the end of the post being composed even though I want it at the start. And then I have to switch to BB (not Brigitte Bardot or Brendan Burgess) code edit mode to fix it.

I guess that I should just quote the bits that I need in the opposite order.... Anyway, not a big problem and probably not one at all for most users.
Yeah, I've noticed that and it's not helping.
It might be tricky to reply to the two different bits

I've been doing this solely on Android so far

Ah, it's not.
Anyway, not a big problem and probably not one at all for most users.

I don't understand your issue?

If you want to quote a few different bits of a post, they you can do so.
Highlight the first piece, and hit reply.
Hightlight the second piece, and hit reply. It come aferwards.
And you have not had to edit posts where users insert their comments inside the quoted posts.


It is now quite difficult for you to mess this up.

You have to do so deliberately whereas in the past it was accidental.
I don't understand your issue?

If you want to quote a few different bits of a post, they you can do so.
Highlight the first piece, and hit reply.
Hightlight the second piece, and hit reply. It come aferwards
I just thought that highlighting text in a post and clicking reply would quote the selected text in the message composition box where the cursor is currently placed and not always at the end. Now that I know that it does the latter I can work with that.
1. Who is God?
Put the cursor at the end of the first quote and press enter and you can reply

2. God is our father in Heaven and Creator and Lord of all things. If you put the cursor at the end of bit you want to quote and start typing, it will be in the bit quoted.

3. Where is God?
4. God is everywhere but his head.

Or you can reply to two bits together.
No controversy, just the reported clear breach of posting guidelines and users' inability or unwillingness to use the existing tools.
Exactly the same way of making that mistake in Android now as it was before.

Maybe the same way but it should happen a lot less.

People were just hitting the reply button so every post contained a quote.

This way, people will have to selectively quote the bit of the post they want.