War On Terror


Do you remember the 'hate sessions' in Orwell's book. The workers gathered into a room to watch a TV broadcast of the hated 'Goldstein' and were encouraged to shout abuse at the bearded Semitic figure.
Finally, someone posts on the point I started this thing with. Thanks alfraits.
It's the shadowy implied threat and the ill defined enemy that worries me. It's a bit like the crap that was peddled during the cultural revolution in China.

As for Elcid, either your post was a glorified troll or you have't a clue about history. If us Christians want to win an argument with Muslims then don't have one about which religion has the most blood on it's hands or which one has gone to the most extreme reaches.
Islam is incompatible with democracy
that's right, and so is Christianity, that's why we live in a secular state.
What about 9-11. I think Muslims interfered a lot in my life that day.
If that's what you think you are simply wrong.
No fundamentalism in the USA; tell that to the Salim witches.

Try and have a balanced view. The world is not black and white.
Re: Iraq

It is a well know fact that Saddam Hussein used to pay generous bounties to the families of suicide bombers in Israel, in order to entice them to commit their dastardly deeds ( along with the promise of dozens of virgins in heaven etc ).

1) And this is relevant to the conversation in what way?
2) provide some proof of this please.

Perhaps Piggy agrees with this also?

What would make you think a strange thing like that? Perhaps you haven't been paying attention to a single thing I've been saying.

By the way, Piggy ( what an apt name !), what Iraqui company will all of us work for if your friends get their way ?

Who exactly are my friends Seamus? It seems that the point I've been trying to make is completely lost on you Seamus. Go back to thinking that the good people kill the bad men Seamus. The world will make more sense for you that way.

Or are we as likely to be treated as well as Saddam treated the rest of his population?

Can you explain this to me please?

Piggy says:

Then you don't think that America is full of religious fanatisicm? Even though George Bush rallies his troops with the words "God is on our side"???

Rubbish. America is not full of religious fanaticism. There are Christian fundamentalists in America, but they neither represent the majority of the population nor the policies or politics of the nation, nor are they bent on subjugating the whole world by use of fundamentalist private armies or suicidal murderous terrorism.
God is actually on nobodies side when it comes to killing.

A bit of a sweeping statement isn't it? A small group of Islamic fundamentalists would be a better way of putting it...unless you want to tar all Muslims with the same brush.

Piggy I am 100% certain you've never lived in or even visited a Muslim country. If you had done you would realise how popular mister Bin Laden is in the general mislim population. I've seen children in those countries wearing T-Shirts emblazoned with his image and the burning towers pictured behind him. It also strikes many of us how little outspoken condemnation he receives from the so called 'moderate' muslim leaders around the world. So in that respect, yes, I would unfortunately have to 'tar' the vast majority of true muslims with the fundamentalist sympathiser brush.

You need to learn to differentiate between Muslims and terrorists.

You need to really learn more about Islam and its precepts.

This war is not a war though really is it? Stating that you will never live under an Islamic state serves no real purpose as far as I can see. Did you ever think this was going to happen?

Oh yes, I see it as the one great war that has lasted down the centuries. Islam has been in conflict with the christian west since its very invention 1,300 years ago. Fortunately christianity has prevailed, and I believe it will do so, at least as long as there are people who (unlike you) refuse to bury their head in the sand.

RevJamesFlynn: You forgot to mention Malaysia, and Indonesia, both of which have (somewhat) functioning democracies. However you miss the point entirely. Just as western society has moved to separate church and state, so Islamic society is moving to bind the two together again. Muslims in even westernised democracies like Malaysia see themselves and their brethren as victims of a wicked western society, and are being daily convinced that their only salvation is in the worldwide muslim brotherhood. Much of the basic teaching of the Koran in fact emphasises the necessity for this worldwide islamic union in the ultimate form of a worlwide Sharia based 'Khallifah'. Since democracy is actually immoral under Islamic teaching, the weak democracies that exist at present are eventually doomed to failure as the populist fundamentalist movement converts more and more muslims to the belief that only they can establish the Khallifate...Gods Rule on Earth. This is what OBL is actually fighting for quite proudly, and it is seen as a good and noble thing by ordinary muslims.

purple says:

If us Christians want to win an argument with Muslims then don't have one about which religion has the most blood on it's hands or which one has gone to the most extreme reaches.

Perhaps you didn't read my first post slowly enough. I averred to the errors made by christianity in the past. And by the past, I'm referring to such ignorance as was shown by the Catholic conquistadors of the Incas, and their murderous conversions.
But purple, the conquest of Peru and Mexico occurred in and around 600 years ago. So you see, I think it is rather weak of you to argue that christianity needs further reform. Perhaps you should try to separate religion from politics in your own head. You seem as confused by the concept as Osama is.

Islam is incompatible with democracy....and so is Christianity, that's why we live in a secular state.
Yes, we do. My point exactly.
Now, can you convince Osama and the Taliban to do so?

If that's what you think you are simply wrong.
No fundamentalism in the USA; tell that to the Salim witches.

There you go again digging up ancient history. Lets see...Salem witch trials...1692. Only 312 years ago...you're definitely getting closer. Have you heard of any witches being burned in Massacussetts lately?

Try and have a balanced view. The world is not black and white.

I've spent the last two years studying Islam, and reading widely different books on its meaning and interpretation. I've also lived in an Islamic country and travelled widely in several others. I believe I have a balanced and well founded knowledge of Islam, and I am therefore completely secure in the knowledge that Islam is a fascist movement similiar to Naziism in many respects, it thrives on the ignorance of its people and is a growing threat to the west and the peace of the world.
Re: Islam

I've spent the last two years studying Islam, and reading widely different books on its meaning and interpretation. I've also lived in an Islamic country and travelled widely in several others. I believe I have a balanced and well founded knowledge of Islam, and I am therefore completely secure in the knowledge that Islam is a fascist movement similiar to Naziism in many respects, it thrives on the ignorance of its people and is a growing threat to the west and the peace of the world.

I was prepared to answer your post ELCid, but judging from this you're either a troll or a deeply misguided and troubled person.

Well I think thats it then. QED.

I understand how uncomfortable it must be for you to have your deepest convictions challenged piggy, but I generally find that those westerners who defend the Islamic world as fervently as you, actually tend to know the least about it.

Of course you could be a Muslim?
Re: Bankrupt?

I understand how uncomfortable it must be for you to have your deepest convictions challenged piggy

Except that you haven't challenged any of them. I'm just horrified when I read unbalanced, prejudiced views such as yours.

You don't need to live in a predominantly Muslim country to understand the injustices perpetrated in the name of western democracy (sometimes).

I follow no religion or faith.

but I generally find that those westerners who defend the Islamic world as fervently as you, actually tend to know the least about it.

You missed the whole point of what I've been saying in about three different posts on this board at present. You've jumped to your own conclusions. I've committed the mortal sin of poking holes in this US administrations foreign policy towards the Middle East so obviously I must be defending Osama Bin Laden and all religious fundamentalists. It's not about religion. It's about people. I'm not defending Islam or Christianity :\
Higgledy Piggledy

...my...deepest convictions....you haven't challenged any of them. I'm just horrified when I read unbalanced, prejudiced views such as yours.

But piggy, I just presented you with a logical rebuttal to your argument, all you come up with in return is your inflated expressions of *shock* and *horror*.

Really piggy you need to do better than that.

...injustices perpetrated in the name of western democracy...(sometimes). Well, I'm glad to see we aren't all evil westerners all the time.

I've committed the mortal sin of poking holes in this US administrations foreign policy towards the Middle East
No I haven't actually seen you do that piggy. Maybe you're imagining it.

I've seen your contributions on other threads piggy (such as the 'Ireland is Sinking' one) and you seem to have a very strong tendancy to make indignant posts full of admonishments and *shock* at others opinions, then when challenged to debate appear unable to back up your own position with anything substantial or factual.

Paper Tiger? Or Windbag?
Re: Higgledy Piggledy

I just presented you with a logical rebuttal to your argument, all you come up with in return is your inflated expressions of *shock* and *horror*.

By logical rebuttal are you referring to tarring all Muslims with the same brush?

I must have missed the logic.

...injustices perpetrated in the name of western democracy...(sometimes). Well, I'm glad to see we aren't all evil westerners all the time.

I never said anyone was evil. Your words, not mine.

I've seen your contributions on other threads piggy (such as the 'Ireland is Sinking' one) and you seem to have a very strong tendancy to make indignant posts full of admonishments and *shock* at others opinions, then when challenged to debate appear unable to back up your own position with anything substantial or factual.

Perhaps you could point out where I didn't back anything I said up in that post (in relation to the question) with a logical argument.

I am shocked by what you said about Muslims ELCid. Your prejudicial nature just can't see how messed up that is. That's your problem though.

I said I thought you were a troll or a deeply troubled and misguided person. I stand by the second part at least. I'm beginning to think you're serious though in relation to Muslims.

It seems you're the one who's resorted to petty schoolyard name calling.

It's funny that. There always seems to be some new unregistered user during these sorts of debates who makes the same childish remarks about me.

I'll come back when you've grown up.
Higgledy Piggledy

Perhaps you could point out where I didn't back anything I said up in that post (in relation to the question) with a logical argument.

If you are referring to the 'Ireland is Sinking' thread, you were asked to back up your assertions about the attractions of living in Ireland by actually listing a few.
You couldn't or wouldn't.
You were then told "You will not provide a list because you are not able to."
You responded: I did answer Elk...just not the way you wanted. I told you...it's personal.

I am shocked by what you said about Muslims ELCid.
There you go again with the shock and awe bit. Get over it.

I'm beginning to think you're serious though in relation to Muslims.

Re: Higgledy Piggledy

Okay ELCid. Thanks for letting me know that you do indeed feel that way about Muslims. Hitler had similar views on the Jews by the way. I've no time for anyone who openly holds such views against an entire swathe of people because of their religious persuasions. Here I'll take my leave of this debate with you.

Unfortunately Piggy has not a clue about the reality of the Muslim mindset, and she believes all the little scraps of propaganda she has been fed. She should go and live in the middle east if she wants to learn a bit about it, or at least widen her mind to other sources of info. about the conflicts there. Bin Laden loves people like her.

I think you should listen to other posters views without jumping to absurd conclusions Seamus.
You don't strike me as a very balanced individual at all. Piggy has far more rounded views than you do.

Piggy's a he by the way....or did you know that already and were just trying to antagonise him?

Instead of trolling Seamus maybe you should make some reasonable points and then argue them with people.

Hi ElCid,

You've made some provocative claims in this thread which, having done your homework, I'm sure you won't mind backing up with some facts and figures.

This war will continue and the West will win, don't worry, because neither me nor most of the populations of the west will ever live under the fascist yoke of an Islamis state.

Can you provide evidence of which Muslim organisations are proposing to turn Ireland and other Western Countries into Islamic states? Can you provide evidence that those organisations are supported by a majority of Muslims?

. . . how popular mister Bin Laden is in the general mislim population. I've seen children in those countries wearing T-Shirts emblazoned with his image and the burning towers pictured behind him.

An interesting anecdote. Can you provide evidence of what percentage of Muslims supported the World Trade Center attacks?

Gods Rule on Earth. This is what OBL is actually fighting for quite proudly, and it is seen as a good and noble thing by ordinary muslims.

Can you provide evidence of your assertion that most ordinary Muslims support OBL-style terrorist activities?

Keep your Islamic beliefs to yourself and I'm happy to let you do as you wish. Try to force them on me and I'll fight you back

Being an Irish-based website, I'm assuming you are living in Ireland. Who exactly is forcing their Islamic beliefs on you today?


Do not worry, the west will not bow down to Bin Laden and his buddies. I think piggies extreme leftist views are very much in a minority. On what is nearly the 60th anniversary of D-day, thank God for America and the UK for yet again being at the sharp edge of protecting us.
piggy's views

Sorry Seamus. Gotta stop you there old chap. Piggy's views are far from being extreme. His points were balanced and valid. Care to discuss what problems you have with any of them. I have similar views. He seems to have a much stronger grip on reality than you do.
If you've nothing to add to this post other than waving your flag in everyone's face and make strange and ridiculous claims about other posters then I suggest you go elsewhere. Unless of course you're just a troll, hell bent on getting up people's noses. Your reply to this will tell us all that.

Sorry Peader , you seem to have the same exteme views as Piggy. Please read some proper history, talk to people who have been to the middle east, or better still go there. Please try to understand that while there are two sides to every story, there is good and evil. You would appear to believe all the anti-western propoganda that you have been fed. I suppose you believe Hitler was good as well ? Piggy was even unaware of the fact that Saddams regime used to support the families of suicide bombings in Israel. ( the victims of the bombers, not the families of the victims ). Have you heard of the films showing torture in Saddams prisons.
Even those US troops who humiliated ( "tortured" ) their prisoners could not watch more than 5 minutes of it. I do not condone what a few US troops did , but it was not done by ALL the Allied forces , and much worse happened under Saddams regime.

'Piggy was even unaware of the fact that Saddams regime used to support the families of suicide bombings in Israel'

I'm really sick of all this trolling and piggy bashing that's going on. I've read this entire post. Point out to us Paul where piggy did not know the above. Stop posting inaccurate tripe.
poor piggy wiggy

Well, piggy seems to have disappeared forever so I think I've won. I'll be happy when all the Muslims in the world are dead and buried and the magnificant Americans are victorious. We'll beat all those who stand against us.

God Bless America.