I understand your reluctance on the government run bank....but it is the only way I can think of that would keep high employment sectors working while keeping the borrowings off the national balance sheet. Perhaps the government could just set it up and hand it over to a board of directors that were acceptable to the irish public.
I would personally like to see people work for a full week for their dole but the practicality of that could be very difficult. 8 hours should be possible for everyone, even the ones who have swapped work for being the primary caregiver at home. Setting the bar too high could cause the whole concept to fail. Once the concept has been accepted it could be adjusted each year in the same way we adjust the tax bands. I would be happy to see it started at 4 hours.
One I forgot, I would love to see a move towards a national income for every man woman and child instead of tax credits and welfare. This move would allow all income to be taxed from the very first euro.
Another one I forgot, Cancel the anticompetitive payments to RTE and abolish the tv licence.
By abolishing the tv licence and road tax you create the space for a property tax of €500.00 pa, €250.00 to local authority and €250 to central taxes.
Water rates, over my dead body.