Ulsterbank Credit Report Query


New Member
I had an Ulsterbank Current Account with an arranged Overdraft. This was automatically closed last year when Ulsterbank left Ireland. There was an outstanding balance on the over draft - relatively small <€1000.

On my Credit Report - the overdraft is marked as Closed with a Credit Status "Write Off"

I would like to settle this debt, but I am wondering is there any benefit in terms of my credit report. A payment will re-set the 5 year clock, where-as as it stands I have 1 year down. I'm assuming either way I would struggle to get any form of credit until my record is clear
Didn't Ulster Bank write off thousands of balances?
It should not affect your credit rating as it was UB that did the write-off to exit the market and not due to customers not paying.

It should not affect your credit record as the banks know this.

They wrote off credit card debt on that RTE article.

OP is referring to an overdraft. Different story there.
I’m in a similar position- credits cards debt was cleared but small OD shown as written off. There was no correspondence from UB to confirm the write off and I am trying to pay now in order to amend the CCR. Advise from customer service was to make a complaint but I was wondering has anyone had this experience