Key Post UK State Pension - Make voluntary contributions to qualify for UK pension on top of Irish pension

I can see it and no payment made yet.

I'll be doing so this week. I'm going to go the Revolut route but is there any need to ring before making the payment or just afterwards to confirm its been received and to allocate to the correct years?
Not really; keep a printed record & have it in your file.
Apologies if it has already been explained but what is the incentive for the UK government to do this?

I pay 200 per year for the next x years and when I get to 67 they will give me 12,000 per year in exchange for this.

Doesn’t seem to make much sense from the uk government’s perspective, who aren’t (that) stupid
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I got a letter in the post today looking for my exact dates of my employment. This is due to the fact I have a gap of 17 months where I wasn't working (this was 5 years after I left the UK) nor on social welfare as I was travelling at the time. I am guessing for this period I may have to pay Class 3?

Has anyone been through something similar before? If so what was the outcome?


As fair as I understand, it's pretty much to accomodate and not exclude all the UK expats currently abroad that the UK Govt still have an obligation to pay pensions to, and the 300k odd Irish citizens (as well as anyone else that worked in the UK and paid NI contributions for more than 3 years) that can avail of it just happen to have a bonus dividend from this necessary policy.
I paid for 17 years in February and it’s still not on my record. They did allocate a payment for 2023/24 which was not included in my payment. I got through to them on the HMRC chat and was told they have my payment and there’s currently a delay of 33 weeks. So it looks like I’ll have to wait until October. Is anyone else in this position. I know I’ll just have to be patient and forget about it until then. Anyone else waiting this long?
In my case, I have put 2 queries in with them - one for me personally and the other (more complex) query for my wife. My query was a simple Class 3/2 Change which they processed in 2-3 weeks. The other is with them ~6 weeks with no sign of any progress. In both cases I wrote to them with the details, relevant forms and cover letter..... this I believe speeds up the process. In my case I got re-classified to the slower cost class and have just submitted a payment, which I am waiting to see it processed on their on line portal. Hope that helps?
I'm in the same position.

Paid at the start of March. 2023/2024 is showing as paid, even though prior to transferring the money, I phoned them and explained the years I was sending payment for. It's been 17 weeks since I transferred the money so a bit of a wait to go.

Its , possibly, the last remnant of a by gone age. The one where nation states and goverments regarded their citizen as people, with needs and requirements, instead of economic units to be exploited, handed over to the private sector and rinsed for as much capital as possible.
The incentive is to do the right thing, by people who joined a pension scheme and contributed to the pension scheme.
The UK is a sovereign state, with its own Central Bank, and , as such, it can always pay its bills, with its own currency.
The Irish govt, in contrast, is changing the rules, over a 10 year period, to a system which will not benefit anyone. It will make quite a lot of people worse off, but no-one better off.
I paid for 16ys last October, they allocated for 2022-23 initially, but finally a couple of weeks ago my record was fully allocated. Patience I guess!
Apologies folks, I know somewhere in this thread are posts with detailed instructions on how to pay HMRC using Revolut/Wise but I can't seem to find it. Would anyone be able to link me to the relevant post/s please?
Apologies folks, I know somewhere in this thread are posts with detailed instructions on how to pay HMRC using Revolut/Wise but I can't seem to find it. Would anyone be able to link me to the relevant post/s please?
See post #495
I sent three separate payments for 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24 using my GB sub-account within Wise. I decided to go with the IBAN (GB49 BARC 2020 4830 9447 93) for HMRC rather than the Sort Code (08 32 20) since my letter specifically said to use the 'Overseas Payments' method and directed me towards this section of the website:

I will keep an eye on it to see how long it takes to update and keep you guys posted.
I have just paid 7 years of contributions (2017-2023) at Class 2 and I now have 11 years of NICs.
I did the digital application for Class 2 and it was all as described in this thread.
Thanks everyone for sharing the info that allowed me to make this good investment.

My letter shows that I am also eligible to pay another 7 years at Class 3 (2006-2012, and 2016).

I am 41 and, in theory, I can make the 24 years of cons (35 years -11=24) in the future to allow me to get a full pension before retirement but should I just bite the bullet and pay the 7 years at approx £824 a year so that I have 18 years 'banked'?

From reading this thread, I think I should buy these 7 years before April 2025 because

- I won't be able to pay class 2 in future years if I am not working in Ireland (e.g. I retire early before I have reached 35 years of UK cons)
- HMRC could stop allowing contributions at all (not sure if this is a risk)

It's a lot of money to pay over so thanks for any advice you have on this
I’ve sorted mine.
Hubby was also applying. Same time as me.
He got a letter asking for Class 2 contributions from 2016 to 2024 which he paid.
He was self employed here in Ireland before 2016. (1998 to 2016). Born and lived in Uk and paid NI from 1987 when he left uni there.
No request for any payments, either class for any earlier years.

He is 59 this year.

Trying to call to see what’s happened.

Any thoughts folks?
He has tax returns here. And I presume Irish Revenue can provide proof? That far back? Yikes, might not have much!
He hasn’t been asked for anything about the previous years, although I guess online the screen shows class 3 contributions as payable.
Odd that he got a letter for the other years though and nothing for the earlier years.
I got a letter back asking for breakdown in employment records since 2006. In that time I am employee for 9 years and Self Employed for 8. So will I pay 9 years class 3 and 7 years class 2?
Hi I have registered with the Gateway but am unsure of next step. Is it to fill out form CF83 and send it off?
Where can I find this form? I can't seem to see it online

I would do this if you can afford it for peace of mind.

It’s likely that contributions will get more expensive and they may restrict further the ability to make ongoing or backward contributions in future.

Almost zero chance that “banked” contributions will ever be taken away from you.