UK State pension - Am I class 2 or Class 3

Hi all,

I have stumbled across this world of possibilities ironically through a job ad to be an advisor for people to take advantage of this pension opportunity. So, some advice please if you can take the time!

I am originally from Scotland, lived there until I was 22 when I moved to Ireland. I have been here ever since. I worked in the UK from age 16 to probably about 20, mostly just summer work when not in Uni.

I have logged into my HMRC portal and see that I can buy back years that are not full. The amount is over £800 per year which, I assume, is what is meant as Class 3? I have been working in Ireland continuously since 2006 so I believe i should be Class 2?

When I check my pension forecast it says I am eligible but that I have 9 out of 10 years on contributions. So, do I only need to buy back 1 year? Or is that to just get a partial pension? If I buy back more I get a bigger pension? And how do I go about applying for Class 2 instead of Class 3?

Thanks for taking the time.
Hi all,

I have stumbled across this world of possibilities ironically through a job ad to be an advisor for people to take advantage of this pension opportunity. So, some advice please if you can take the time!

I am originally from Scotland, lived there until I was 22 when I moved to Ireland. I have been here ever since. I worked in the UK from age 16 to probably about 20, mostly just summer work when not in Uni.

I have logged into my HMRC portal and see that I can buy back years that are not full. The amount is over £800 per year which, I assume, is what is meant as Class 3? I have been working in Ireland continuously since 2006 so I believe i should be Class 2?

When I check my pension forecast it says I am eligible but that I have 9 out of 10 years on contributions. So, do I only need to buy back 1 year? Or is that to just get a partial pension? If I buy back more I get a bigger pension? And how do I go about applying for Class 2 instead of Class 3?

Thanks for taking the time.
This video originally posted on this page is a good start - - Fill in the CF83 form as best you can - add a comprehensive cover letter stating your reasons for being eligible for class 2 contributions. I sent copies of my PRSI contributions and my NI contributions. It will take a while for the processing. Buying back one year is only going to give you a small uk pension. You need to buy back all the years you are eligible for in order to get the biggest pension you are entitled to. But that will depend on your current age and number of contributions you can both pay back, and pay going forward. I was a similar case to you, they had me down as eligible for class 3 contributions - this is their default position. I was able to pay back as class 2 and also will be able to pay for the next few years until I retire, so I should get nearly a full uk pension. Set aside and hour or two, print off the form and write your cover letter. It will be the worth it!! Lots of good advice on this thread. Start at page 1 and read through it.