I am not sure that the issues that I raised with the IBOA is relevant, maybe it is, I'm not sure. My main issue is that the IBOA ignored my correspondence, my phone calls, my emails.
I had been on sick leave from my job. I was on full pay for 6 months and supposed to go on half pay but I had to fight to get this paid. I was also having difficulties getting pay slips posted to me. Each month I sent in to my employer details of my social welfare payments. They would let these amounts build up and then deduct them all at once so some months I received almost nil pay. The realtionship with my employer was one of total frustration. During this time I continued to pay my IBOA sub in full even during the months when I had practically nothing to live on. I did not contact the IBOA about any of the above but tried to deal with this direct with my employer.
However things began to get worse that's when I contacted the IBOA after trying to deal directly with my employer myself.