ney001 said:
do you know any kids you can borrow for a weekend, nephews, godchildren etc?.
Failing that .. try spending a weekend where you set an alarm to wake you every hour during the night, then get up at 07:00 both mornings to watch kids TV. Offer to do a sibling's or friend's laundry that weekend too so you've extra housework lined up too.
About 09:30 head out somewhere to do something that you wouldn't normally choose to do, perhaps even something that you don't enjoy. Get back about 12:00 and hit the housework in a furious burst for about 2 hours, making sure to do so without making any noise.
Don't indulge yourself by sitting down to eat a meal in peace. Eat while on the move and try to drink a cup of tea of coffee one gulp every 2 minutes. Lie on the floor and and idly push around a small object, while resisting the urge to sleep. Later, go out again to do something else that you wouldn't normally choose to do, for a couple of hours.
About 8pm, start tidying up and try to catch up on your day, but that won't happen cos what you know as your day doesn't exist any more. Fall asleep in front of the TV, drag yourself off to bed and then do the same all over again for the 2nd 24 hours of your weekend. On Sunday night about 23:00, have a major panic cos you've nothing clean or ironed for the morning, fo you or for anyone else.
This exaggerates the downside. You wouldn't have the compensation of the little person's company, smile or touch but there are days where you feel you're an indentured slave.
Over 6 years later, I still mourn my childless (and somethimes even my single) days when the whole weekend stretched out in front of me like an unexplored land, but not so much as I used to. To see him swim for the first time without armbands, her cycle for the first time without stabilisers .. the good days outnumber the not so good.