So after 2 months, BG finally decided to issue me with my final bill and now I can update this thread with how I got on with the EV plan
But and it's a big but, in another discussion another poster, Dr Strangelove pointed out that my savings of €600 on the free electricity on Sunday during '23 will have little or no relevance to the energy rates going forward in '25
So I've decided to do a chart for the upcoming year using the current rates form BG as of this morning with our usage from last year
I've also included the fixed rate plan that I'm now on with Airtricity
Dual Fuel Plans | Non Smart | SMART | FREE SUNDAY | SMART EV | FIXED PRICE |
DAY RATE | 1268.18 | 667.61 | 776.91 | 732.54 | 615.97 |
PEAK RATE | | 131.94 | 154.09 | 165.85 | 126.33 |
NIGHT RATE | | 427.6 | 495.46 | 171.91 | 346.69 |
EV RATE | | | | 103.92 | |
FREE ELECTRICITY | | | -309.90 | | |
ANNUAL STANDING CHARGE | 218.54 | 218.54 | 218.54 | 325.52 | 240.97 |
PSO LEVY | 42.25 | 42.25 | 42.25 | 42.25 | 42.25 |
| 1528.97 | 1487.94 | 1377.35 | 1541.99 | 1372.21 |
My usage for last year was 5089 broken down 2507 Day, 2175 Night and 407 Peak
My EV usage is in night and was 1395 Kwh and I allowed 1000 Kwh for the "free electricity" which is close to what I used the year before
While there is no usage limit on the EV rate there is a maximum on the free electricity of 100Kwh per month
We also moved as much usage into the Free and EV time slots so as to maximise the savings while on these plans
As you can see going forward the cheapest plan from BG is the Free Sunday but it comes at a cost of the Sunday
The next cheapest is the Standard smart plan and then the non smart, so that to me proves for us the smart plans are cheaper
The dearest plan was the EV but as we don't have an EV yet it might have been the best plan to be on if we did
But the thing that I've really learnt from this is there's very little difference in the BG plans cost wise at the end of the year
And as Mrs C said when we were renewing this year "After 2 years, I want my life back, just go with the standard smart plan"

So my advise is just stick with the standard smart plan and forget about all of the others and the gimmicks they are offering
The fixed price plan from Airtricity will all depend on if and when rates fall as to whether it was the correct and cheapest plan to go for