Okay due to a Black Friday offer from Bord Gais I'm able to let you know how I got on with activating the Smart meter
As I changed contracts early the figures I'm using are for 11 months but I will take them as my yearly usage for ease of calculation
I'll also include my gas usage as well
So for the year I used 16049 KWh of Gas and a total of 4372kWh of electricity
This had I stayed on the STD meter and availed of BG's 10% would have cost me including the annual standing charge
and is based on 10% discount unit rates of €0.1315 for gas and the ASC of €169.40 and €0.4337 for electricity plus the ASC €281.12
so that worked out at €2279.84 for gas and €2177.25 for electricity giving a total for the year of €4457.09 less the €550 in energy grants
The smart meter rates were after a 15% discount Day €0.4329, Night €0.3182 and Peak €0.5290 but I also availed of an offer of free electricity on Sunday between 9AM and 5PM. The gas rate was also a 15% discount so this ended up at €0.1242
My electricity usage for the year broken down was Day1960kWh=€848.48, Night 1199kWh=€381.52, Peak 333kWh=€176.15 and the free Sunday we used 880kWh at no billing cost giving a total for the year of including the €281.12 ASC of €1687.27 and then less the €550 in energy grants
Gas came in for the year on this plan including the ASC at €2162.68
Bottom line for the year if I'd stayed on the standard meter it would have cost me €3907.09 net for both gas and electricity for the year
and the smart meter plan including gas came in at €3299.95 net
So in total there was €607.14 saved by moving to the smart plan with free Sunday electricity but even if I hadn't availed of the free electricity and used those 880 units at peak rate I still would have saved €141.62 compared to standard BG pricing
So to answer my question, No switching on the smart meter did not result in higher energy bills
Going forward I've decided to move to the EV plan with BG and will report on that in a years time