If the film is to start at a certain time then do it
Not have lots and lots of ads and trailers
And I know you could say well show up ten minutes after the start time
But that's dodgy too as you don't know will they skip these
Just pick a time and stick to it
While I'm here:
Loud mouth skangers acting the hard men down the back. Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry. get the ref?
Amorous couples, go get a room.
Smokers, if you can't go two hours without a smoke, just stay outside tbh instead of squeezing past me all the time
Texters distracting everyone with the light. I've confronted a few, they don't seem to even realise what they're doing.
"Oh I had it on silent, I made no noise".
People in the row behind me tap, tap, tappping my row of seats. This is a tricky one as it's hard to tell who it is, they don't have to be behind you
Tis a quiet day, I head to the cinema on my day off. Nice and quiet. So why in a cinema of a few hundred seats do you decide directly in front of me? Don't you know the unwritten rule?
Our local cinema does not allow you bring in bags. I'd come home from college for the weekend, head to the cinema and they'd say leave your laptop and bag here in the cloakroom. Oh and we don't accept liability if lost or stolen. Cowboys
I could keep going, enough for now