the most effective way to reduce alcohol consumption here is through taxation.

Re: Tax on drink

I realise this is of topic (a little). But has alcohol not always been legal? - It's harder to say anything for alcohol because if it was illegal now and always was lots of people would want it to stay that way.

No, it greatly depends where you live. You are unlikely to ask that question in Iran for example. See here for one such experiment.

The banning of anything, whether it be booze or books, is rarely an effective measure at stopping people from partaking in it. If anything, it suggests to people that there's something special about the thing being banned and only serves to worsen the problem.

If you want to stop alcohol abuse, you're much better off educating people rather than taking the lazy man's route and simply banning it. (which is what you said i think)

Are the people for legalisation basically into reversed-phsychology? And hoping people get bored with drugs?

I imagine if local politicians were freely boasting of getting stoned to "try and connect with the youf" then it might turn a few teenagers off alright!
Re: Tax on drink

Opium, spamspamspam etc were all legal at one time, and then banned (around the beginning of the 1900s if memory serves.)