This just gets better and better....
RTÉ blames €17m jump in its deficit on having to cover landmark events
So the state owned, state funded (directly or indirectly as the case may be) broadcaster is moaning, claiming that the reason that it lost money last year was because it had to cover things of national interest !
Isn't the public service broadcaster supposed to be spending money to cover such things as the 1916 commemorations ... rather than squandering money on rebroadcasting shows such as Eastenders, or buying in stuff like Homeland for who knows how much, when we can all watch these programmes on other channels.
RTE in their wisdom think it's perfectly acceptable to:
- buy in programming that can be seen elsewhere
- pay some of their staff excessive salaries, far more than we pay our Taoiseach
- continue to run their business from one of the most plush addresses in Ireland, when some if not most of the work done there could be done at cheaper locations
Then they have the neck to want a license fee increase :mad:
How about this as an alternative way to address RTE's financial problems:
Everyone on a salary of over €100k gets cut back to €100k, regardless of what they have previously been paid. If they don't like it, they can take a hike.
- RTE stops buying in and rebroadcasting commercial tv programming which is readily available elsewhere
- RTE offloads it's non-core services (both tv and radio) and leaves the commercial tv and radio markets to compete
- RTE continues to provide services of national interest
With the same amount being generated from the license fee and a lower payroll, less expenditure on bought in commercial programming and a smaller selection of tv and radio stations to operate, I'd expect them to make a profit - not a loss.
We really need to start giving out hell about the stuff RTE has been getting away with - it's gone on for way too long and its our money that's paying for it !