Kool Aid - I have never heard of it & I'm sure the majority of posters here are not aware of it's properties or effectiveness & I have no intention of googling it

I well remember Perot & BOI outsourcing Cabinteely staff to same , you will surely agree that IT was in it's infancy in this country at the time & there was not anything like the demand for IT staff that followed in more recent decades & thus staff had little option but to transfer .
The irony of course is that is was the fact that the major Banks held out during the 1992 strike due to computerisation & then the scabs in BOI when Perot came knocking on the door sought & found the protection of the IBOA !
I really don't understand your concluding para - any Unions job is to protect & if possible enhance the terms & conditions of it's members - your Dad's teacher friend must be thrilled that his Union membership brought him such benefits , I should point out that I'm posting this from A Coruna where I'm enjoying my third holiday of the year with my wife who recently retired from BOI on an excellent redundancy package .
As a BOI early retiree myself I get down on my knees every day & thank God for Union membership
I do realise how lucky both myself & my wife are but we worked hard , showed loyalty , paid into a Union negotiated DB scheme & most importantly were lucky enough to work in a hugely Unionised workforce & are now reaping the benefits !