teachers pay

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You know lots of teachers and they all have fabulous houses and second homes abroad?? How strange. I know lots of teachers who have very ordinary houses and go on package holidays like the rest of us.
I don't go on package holidays :D
Where do packages go on holidays anyway? Some sort of luxury clearing depot with fancy chrome scales and where the bubble wrap pockets are filled with perfume or something?
What should they be paid then ???

As someone else pointed out the scale is too wide.

Ironically its the newer teachers who tend to be 'better'. More enthusiastic, full of energy. The older ones who are there 20 years plus are just sick to the back teeth of it.
I know thats a gross generalisation but you know what I mean.

We can't expect them to work for 35K pro rata salary.....who would work for this? Its the kind of job that surely would become borning and there is not much career development.

We need to overhaul the system. Teachers perhaps paid lower salaries but paid bonus on their performance or something like that.

Bad teachers (and there are many!)need to be held to account
As an ex-teacher myself, I know loads of teachers! Plenty of them put in lots of extra hours on planning, correction, training teams etc. Plenty others don't do anything of the sort. Sweeping generalisations such as that made by the OP are ridiculous and ill-informed. That said, it always irks me a bit when my teacher mates are shocked and horrified that I usually work until after 7 at night. I don't think many appreciate the genuinely short hours they have to spend in the classroom. And I might be putting my hand out to be slapped here, but I agree that in comparison to other professions, teachers do a disproportionate amount of complaining about their jobs. It seems to be a bit of a culture within teaching. People should also rememember however that its tough for teachers as well at the moment. For recent graduates, full time jobs are in very short supply. The most a lot can hope for is a temporary position such as maternity leave cover. I'm the last person in the world who'll defend the teachers of Ireland but we should recall the high leaving cert points necessary for entry to primary teaching. Anyone who can score nearly 500 points is no slacker in my view and certainly not after the soft option.
Take out "teacher" and insert electrician, builder, plumber, taxi driver, etc during the good years.

And, if it were such a sweet existence, how come you didn't/don't get on the gravy train?

I work as a nurse and in my opinion do a far more difficult job in a very busy Dublin hospital. What I work at is irrelevent to the discussion.
I work as a nurse and in my opinion do a far more difficult job in a very busy Dublin hospital. What I work at is irrelevent to the discussion.

Nurses are extremely well paid compared to international standards. And some of them are as bad at their job as some teachers are.
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