teachers pay

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Threads like this are pointless. Teachers are overpaid. But so is everyone else.
I kind of agree with Sunny, we have very well paid teachers in this country, even relative to the rest of the population, but that’s not the main problem.

The school day and the school year should not be determined by how much teachers are paid, rather it should be determined by the optimum time a child can spend learning. Over the last decade or so there have been multiple extra programmes added to the curriculum without any extra time allocated to teach them. I don’t think children can really spend any longer in a school environment each day so the best option would be shorted holidays. I also think that parent teacher meeting should be held in the evenings and in service days should be held while the children are on holidays. Secondary school teachers should have to spend the full school day on the premises; they are getting paid to be there so they should be there working.
In my opinion most teachers work hard and put in 35-45 hours a week. Some do more and some do far less. I don’t buy the “they only work 20 hours a week” argument but I don’t buy the “It’s the most stressful job in the world and they need 2-3 months off each summer to recover” line either. Teaching doesn’t require high intelligence (I’m not saying it doesn’t require any) but it does require a particular aptitude and personality. You have to want to do it and you have to like doing it. If not it’s a life sentence for the teacher and damaging to the education of the children.

The debate about pay should not be framed solely in terms of what they deserve or don’t deserve. The state’s ability to pay also has to be taken into account. Over the last ten years there have been huge increases in funding for education but nearly all of that has gone on pay. I think that was a mistake. If more has been spend on better facilities and even more teachers (you can either have highly paid teachers or lots of teachers, you can’t have both) then possibly we would have a better education system and less stressed teachers.
I feel teachers are grossly overpaid.

They also give grinds.

How many even declare this income?

3 months holidays + Easter + Christmas.
I feel teachers are grossly overpaid.

They also give grinds.

How many even declare this income? .

Well, if you're going to use this argument, why confine it to teachers? I would imagine undeclared income is much more pervasive in the self employed sector.
Plenty of people give grinds, not just teachers actually. Lots of professionals do give them but to be honest since recession hit I hear that the market has dried up considerably....
Plenty of people give grinds, not just teachers actually. Lots of professionals do give them but to be honest since recession hit I hear that the market has dried up considerably....

Everyone should pay their taxes. Those who don't are stealing. Some tax cheats steal a large amount and some steal a small amount but that's usually down to opportunity rather than morality. The little guys think they are somehow different from the big guys but they aren't.
as quoted "Looks like were out of control, from the taoiseach pay right down.we just cant afford it".the blog started out with remarks about the teachers pay,it is however about the civil servants on 50,000euro plus saleries.these payments are made mainly by the little people,the lower paid people,both in the civil service and public workers.they fund all these saleries,expenses etc.and really we cant afford it.
I think we should wait till nearer the budget before the whole public v private thing starts again. We don't want to ruin it by starting it too early!
as quoted "Looks like were out of control, from the taoiseach pay right down.we just cant afford it".the blog started out with remarks about the teachers pay,it is however about the civil servants on 50,000euro plus saleries.these payments are made mainly by the little people,the lower paid people,both in the civil service and public workers.they fund all these saleries,expenses etc.and really we cant afford it.

That’s way too sweeping a statement to hold up to scrutiny. There thousands of public and civil servants on €50’000 and plenty of them give excellent value for money. Nobody can say that, en-mass, all civil and public servants are overpaid (or that those on lower incomes are under paid), there’s just far too many people doing far too many jobs to say that. What can be said is that the country can’t afford the pay bill it has but that’s a completely different point.
Its what dragged this country out of the dark ages.

If teachers are responsible for the boom (as they kept telling everyone when they were looking for their massive pay increases) then how come they are not to blame for the bust?
Since it turns out there was no boom, just a bubble, will they now give the increases back?
Ah now Purple, giving back increases will affect the children's education, doncha know?

I love the irony of teachers (including maths teachers) using this kind of logic !

I do agree with Sunny though, let's not wear this particular topic out before we hear the budget cuts and the inevitable threats of strikes from all and sundry.
Have quite a few friends and relations who are teachers and most of them never have a positive word to say about their job, drives me mad. They all live in beautiful homes, have the second home abroad in which they can spend their extended holiday in, unlike the rest of us who get two weeks. Now - some of these people are able to retire early on fat pensions, get their gratuity and I know one who retired in May, got the gratuity and is returning to the school on a part time basis to earn more money. Absolutely disgraceful.
Have quite a few friends and relations who are teachers and most of them never have a positive word to say about their job, drives me mad. They all live in beautiful homes, have the second home abroad in which they can spend their extended holiday in, unlike the rest of us who get two weeks. Now - some of these people are able to retire early on fat pensions, get their gratuity and I know one who retired in May, got the gratuity and is returning to the school on a part time basis to earn more money. Absolutely disgraceful.

Take out "teacher" and insert electrician, builder, plumber, taxi driver, etc during the good years.

And, if it were such a sweet existence, how come you didn't/don't get on the gravy train?
Have quite a few friends and relations who are teachers and most of them never have a positive word to say about their job, drives me mad. They all live in beautiful homes, have the second home abroad in which they can spend their extended holiday in, unlike the rest of us who get two weeks. Now - some of these people are able to retire early on fat pensions, get their gratuity and I know one who retired in May, got the gratuity and is returning to the school on a part time basis to earn more money. Absolutely disgraceful.

You know lots of teachers and they all have fabulous houses and second homes abroad?? How strange. I know lots of teachers who have very ordinary houses and go on package holidays like the rest of us.
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