teachers pay

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cant believe what we pay teachers,its at max 60,000euros before allowances,and thats for primary school. see [broken link removed]. and also for principals another 42,469euros at max on top of the basic.looks like were out of control from the taoiseach pay right down.we just cant afford it.and dont bother ringing joe duffy ,he is also one of the top earners in rte who we pay for.see [broken link removed]
Here here...these people get 3-4 months paid holidays per year. Their salaries should be pro-rated accordingly.
I have two sisters who are primary teachers, one who specializes in special needs (both are on approx 28k and have been teaching for a few years now). I see the work that goes in to teaching not just in the classroom but at home, schedule plans correcting homework, planning trips, projects, etc. Both of my sisters purchase extra tools out of their own money for their classes. When I have children of my own I would like to think that their teachers are compensated for all the work they do and more. Kids are tough to handle and a class of 30 or so is worth 65,000 per year in my opinion. It's one of the toughest jobs out there, one that I certainly couldn't do, and neither you by the sounds of it. And just so you are aware, obviously most teachers will never reach 65k per annum.

So while I disagree with your point on teachers pay, I agree that the country went mad during the good times and have allowed salaries to get ridiculous. Brian Cowen earns almost the same as the president of the US - that to me is ridiculous.
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Your sisters actually earn the equivalent of more than €35,000 per annum. They get 2-3 months extra paid holidays that none of the rest of us get. And they work a half day EVERY DAY. If analysed on an appropriate 'hours worked' basis, teachers are grossly overpaid.

Instead of moaning and playing the poor mouth teachers should be thankful for the handy number that they have. And don't insult our intelligence by claiming that teaching is anything other than a handy number. Unless you're teaching in 'bandit country' and at risk of being shot, stabbed or assaulted, it's a handy number.
I agree it is a handy number in terms of time off during the summer, etc. however people make out that the job is easy when its not! Think back to the terrors we were as children, and then tell me trying to teach 30 of that is easy....get real. My sister who teaches special needs has ended up getting stitches after one child grabbed her by the hair and hit her head against the corner of a desk (unintentionally of course).

Yes, the hours are great but the work does not finish at 2.30pm - they don't make it up on the spot folks there are lesson plans that need to be done, homework to be corrected...the list goes on and on.

And no, my sisters are not on that wage, I know what they earn in wage every two weeks. This year neither of them have been able to secure additional work for the summer because there are no jobs and one sister is not permanent so it is a real struggle for her at the moment - if the education system changed tomorrow and they were to work summers, their wages would not be increased at all.
if you look at the web link you will see exactly how much from year one a teacher will be paid,plus the add on allowances,and for the moment leave out the special needs factors,lets talk about bog standard teachers.
A teacher with a degree, which you would imagine would be the norm, earns an additional allowance of 3,000 euros. Do they also start further up the pay scale than year 1?
Haha the old "teachers earn too much" thread! Hasnt been around for a while!

They should work in the parks, or on the bin lorries durin the summer, shouldnt they?

Quite simple, if you're that jealous of their money or their hours, then go and do the hibernia course. If ya cant beat them join em!!

Haha completely agree with you Chrisboy! It's funny how the whole "Teachers have a cushy job" debate always circulated during the 'hard times' yet when times were good it was all "What would you want to be a teacher for?" It's funny the way life rolls...

My OH is a teacher and has been for a few years, yet still puts in a lot of hours at home in preparation. Personally I wouldn't fancy her job, despite the great holidays. I like the idea of coming home from work and forgetting about it.

Having said that, I will say I think they are well paid. But after all, they have an important job. For me, you cannot put a price on good education. Its what dragged this country out of the dark ages.

And judging by your punctuation, and use of capital letters, you possibly would have a lot to learn from these teachers who are so over-paid...
And don't insult our intelligence by claiming that teaching is anything other than a handy number. Unless you're teaching in 'bandit country' and at risk of being shot, stabbed or assaulted, it's a handy number.

I'd quite like to see Pat dealing with 34 little 6-year-olds for 4.5 hours a day and see how much they can read at the end of that year.
I'd quite like to see Pat dealing with 34 little 6-year-olds for 4.5 hours a day and see how much they can read at the end of that year.

ROFL at that one! Couldn't agree more. Good teachers would still be cheap at twice what they are currently paid IMO. There are very few jobs as important in any civilised society.
Personally I know I wouldn't have the patience to deal with a room fun of "little darlings". Friend of mine is a headmaster, I remember him telling me how one of the kids once told him to f off, when he called the parents in, they said it was his own fault. As I said, I wouldn't have the patience

Having said all of that, I do think that the school year is too short, with far too many holidays, half terms, training days etc etc. Rather then worrying about what the teachers actually get paid, we should be reforming the school year so that our kids get more education.

I also think some teachers are actually underpaid. Let's remember that they are training the people who are the future of this country. Good teachers should be paid more, bad teachers should be paid less or better still sacked. Most of us on here can remember dull, uninspiring, incompentent incapable boring teachers from whom we learnt little. These should be cleared out
And they work a half day EVERY DAY. If analysed on an appropriate 'hours worked' basis, teachers are grossly overpaid.

I know a lot of teachers and my sister is a teacher. While teachers may teach just over half a day they have to do a lot of class preparation aswell and actually work a full day between teaching, preparation and correcting.

It's a tough job and I know I couldn't do it just to enjoy the long holidays.
They probably work similar hours to normal jobs when you consider that they can't surf the net during work, take personal calls, chat to their colleague etc. When they are in class they are doing work until the bell rings, same can't be said for most jobs I would think.

When you add in lesson plans, correcting homework and extra curricular activities there are hours outside of the classroom also bringing the job far more in line with 'normal' hours.

I know a couple of secondary school teachers, they are not loaded, both in fact bought affordable housing homes, so I dont think they are drowing in generous wages.
Salary scale is too long - 30k to 60k. Some teachers earn twice what others earn solely on seniority. The reality is that those on the first few points of the scale are probably underpaid and those at the top are probably overpaid. No way that any job can justify a 25 year pay scale.
Has there not already been dozens of threads on this topic? Why start a new one?
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