Personally I know I wouldn't have the patience to deal with a room fun of "little darlings". Friend of mine is a headmaster, I remember him telling me how one of the kids once told him to f off, when he called the parents in, they said it was his own fault. As I said, I wouldn't have the patience
Having said all of that, I do think that the school year is too short, with far too many holidays, half terms, training days etc etc. Rather then worrying about what the teachers actually get paid, we should be reforming the school year so that our kids get more education.
I also think some teachers are actually underpaid. Let's remember that they are training the people who are the future of this country. Good teachers should be paid more, bad teachers should be paid less or better still sacked. Most of us on here can remember dull, uninspiring, incompentent incapable boring teachers from whom we learnt little. These should be cleared out