try not to panic. the term of investment is 5 years for a reason, to allow for down turns and upturns in cycles. in fact it prob should be more 7-10 yrs for commercial property returns to mature. trying to sell in a bear market is questionable. i imagine you may not be able to get your money out as it is a closed fund, to redeem your units they need would need to sell on your share of the investment - by 1) selling some of the property (unlikely) or 2) sell your share to another investor (unlikely if this fund is no longer being marketed). Property is a fairly illiguid asset class and going into the fund you should have be made aware of the pitfalls of falling values and exit strategy. If the properties are fully let to good tenants on long leases and producing good income that covers off the interest on the loan, and management fees then it remains a good investment and trying to exit at the moment - when the whole world is losing their head might not be sensible. the valuation is reflective of the price the properties would fetch today on the market. we all know that nobody is buying at the moment and the banks have shut down their lending. thus the market has tanked due to loss of confidence (which is exactly what you are suffering from!) but this may well not be the case in 5yrs time, the investment may well in time rise in value as the market recovers. Ring your broker and get a full update on the properties , lettings, leases, management fees etc... so you can assess whether the fund is still an ok asset.