Thanks for the replies,
@Colm Fagan
Firstly, quelle surprise, it has never even crossed Brendan's mind to ask me to make a contribution!

Does Brendan put you on the payroll on slow news days or something?
Just to finish regarding the purpose piece. Given your mission statement and your posts, is it fair to say that you take the time to share your personal ARF journey to inform others in the hope that this information will be genuinely useful to them?
And fair play to you for acknowledging any excesses in your comments about Marc. This is a critical discussion (or should be!) for very many so it would be great if the debate stays on the rails. Fair play to Brendan also for encouraging the AAM community to examine this issue.
I'd love to get stuck into this debate myself and I will try to set out my stall at some stage but I just don't know when I'll get the chance. As you know, it takes time to compose measured posts - especially so, in my case, as I'd need to refresh my thinking quite a bit before I write!
Which reminds me, I recently read a quite thought provoking post on LinkedIn which argues that with passive investing now overtaking active investing in the US, this poses some serious threats to the price discovery mechanism. Maybe one for another thread.
Now there's a question! Is that link available? For sure you could see how it would warrant its own thread but at the same time - for example - when I do get around to setting out my stall, the sort of second-tier points I'd be making (for debate purposes) is my belief that your regular ARFer is simply not equipped to stock pick and that diversification is the only free lunch, etc. and that the way to access your chosen equity allocation is via an appropriate passive index. I'd also be arguing that even if the regular ARFer could stock pick sufficient stocks sufficiently well, it's hard and expensive to then implement. monitor, etc. and that such difficulties just increase with age, etc., etc.
But, but.......if the merits of purchasing an index is less clear-cut because of the threats you describe, then people should be made aware of this also. FWIW, I read an article myself somewhere a while back - the gist of which was that these indexing threats were much ado about nothing?!