Selfish Joggers


Registered User
There has been a huge increase in the amount of people running along the footpaths where I live. I was in my front garden the other day and this man ran by my wall a few feet from me. As he passed he gave a big spit, thankfully in the other direction, on to the road. For him the path in front was probably clear but as he was running so fast he had no way to see me on the other side of my wall.
I would say that one in six people who pass my house are joggers. I notice that they always run in a straight line, down the middle of the footpath. Yesterday a young lady jogger, ran right past a woman who was un loading shopping from her car and continued on and passed a couple who were walking on the footpath.
There are few cars on the road where I live, would it not be possible for runners to run on the roadway and engage in social distancing?
It's 2meters for everybody.
Runners should run on there own and in groups of no more than 4 at a time
Just what I heard one of the “experts” saying. The propulsion of pulmonary droplets is twice as far.
Maybe some of these joggers are COVID-19 recovered cases and are 100% clean?
Yes, I have seen the joggers and others spitting.

And I wondered about their heavier breathing. Was it the equivalent of coughing.

Most, but not all, joggers do seem to go out of their way to avoid others. As a cyclist, I have had to be careful of them on the road.

Do you mean 'selfish people' ? When out walking, I regularly encounter others who make no effort to keep two metres from me; they seem to expect me to social distance from them.

I haven't been for a run since the #2kmfromhome was announced. When out for a run I rarely, if ever spit. Please don't blackguard all 'joggers' with the worst behaviour of some.
Do you mean 'selfish people' ? When out walking, I regularly encounter others who make no effort to keep two metres from me; they seem to expect me to social distance from them.

Yes. I agree. Many people take over footpath oblivious to others. Walk in straight line. However when joggers spit, they are running at speed and their spit carries further. Also not just spitting but as Brendan mentioned, heavier breathing, with mouth open.

Lots of family groups of 5 and 6 out, taking over footpath. Mommy, Daddy, two juniors on bikes, scooters plus dog on extended lead. Scattered along footpath. We should social distance from them....but it would be nice if Mommy and Daddy could be a little more aware.

And.....those on their phones. Back in the day an X-Ray gun would have sorted them....
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People walking/jogging on the road when I'm driving to work are an annoyance. If I hit one they could do serious damage to my car and delay me getting to work.

Well don't hit 1 and drive safely too your work.joggers/runners are the most vulnerable on the road so give at least 1.5meters distance from them.
People walking/jogging on the road when I'm driving to work are an annoyance. If I hit one they could do serious damage to my car and delay me getting to work.
At least they're not jogging in groups - that'd damage your car even more...
Well don't hit 1 and drive safely too your work.joggers/runners are the most vulnerable on the road so give at least 1.5meters distance from them.
Joggers/runners shouldn't be on the road.

On a similar topic what's the story with the amount of adults cycling on the footpath recently? As a rule once the stabilisers are taken off your bike, and certainly once you are over the age of 10, you shouldn't be cycling on the footpath.
all too common I am afraid
Even worse is parents cycling on road and kids cycling alongside on footpath so you cannot even go on road to avoid them
all too common I am afraid
Even worse is parents cycling on road and kids cycling alongside on footpath so you cannot even go on road to avoid them
I don't mind small children cycling on the path as they are too young to cycle on the road.
I wouldn't call the people who run past my house on the footpath, joggers. These are more clumpers.

Red faced, open mouthed, sweating and breathing profusely, usually wearing oversized earphones. These NEVER get out of the way of anyone coming toward them. The more professional runner, light on foot, simply move to one side and obey the distancing rule.

Today a woman pushing a pram, uphill, had to move out to the middle of the road to avoid a selfish pair of people who just walked along the middle of the footpath toward her.

Some people have always done this...they will never change. I just wish that more people might ask them to be more considerate rather than say nothing. The selfish people need to be told.
One of the (many) things that annoy me is older women (60+) who just walk towards you assuming that you are going to get out of their way. I noticed this first when I had small children and even if I was carrying a baby or toddler those older women still walked straight towards me assuming I would move. I took to stopping and turning around so that my back was towards them so that they would have to move or, later, just stopping and letting them walk into me. The assumption of status really annoys me.
Now if they make no effort to move I just brush past them as chances are they will come out the worst of any disease transmission but if people make no effort to get out of my way I'm certainly not making any effort. Obviously the infirm or people with small children are different.
Ive noticed this aswell and happen to also live in the D6 area and regularly walk D6 / D12. I think their should be some encouragement for everyone to walk slash run on the left hand side path so as to avoid oncoming traffic