After spending half hour reading all the posts, I decided I'd tell nmonaghan that it's possible but wit alot of patience time work and sweat.
My helpers(Fiancees father, my father, my 3 brothers, numerous friends) to be known as CO.
Were presently building a 2900 sq.f. dormer in Roscommon. Started June bank holiday 2007. Borrowed digger and couple of dumpers from work and dragged some of CO. out of bed at 6 o clock sat sun mon and tue, and worker through till dark 11 - 11:30. Got access to site, site levelled(around 3m dig at rear) foundations dug poured in weekend.
Got block layer for footings. Didn't start footings till October due to mortgage reasons.
Meself and mates done radon and insulation.
Meself, F in L, cousin and uncle done concrete floor.
Block layer to joists. Cousin(Chippy, all through books) done Joists.
Got scaffolding from work and again CO. gave a hand for day and got it up. (adjusted it meself than ahead of plasterer).
Went 2 blocks above joists which gives that little bit extra room inside.
Cousin done roof with one dormer(because council wouldn't give me planning for two


, 2 velux's, 4 valleys, 2 chimneys, and a one storey roof lower than main roof(again through books)(17k for helping at concrete floor, doing joists, doing roof)
I priced roof in 3 hardwares. My local was the dearest and the owner knows me well(I think €1400 on lead alone, which I didn't leave at the site)
Ended up buying slates in northern ireland. Done 2 trips with trailer and got them €700 euro cheaper than anywhere in republic.
Windows are black PVC, again shopped around and prices were 4 grand in differ from lowest to highest.
Have 2 gables in stone approx 110sq.m. which I should get built(on going) for €10000(this includes cost of stone, being built by non nationals, who are excellent)(got price of Irish stone mason for €10.5k plus VAT)
Have a well drilled(€3400)
Sheeted out first floor with ply, myself and CO..
Done timber studing myself and CO.
Slabbing it at the minute myself and CO. and me cousin helping alot too, with advice and alot of saturdays(not through books). Another 2 weeks should finish slabbing.
Not sparing insulation though.
All external walls 50mm cosy board.
300mm fibre glass in attic.
4 inche(Quintherm) & 2 inche & 50mm cosy board between rafters on pitch.
2 inche behind studding(1500mm partition walls) and 100mm fibreglass between studding.
100mm rockwoll in internal studded partitions.
4 inche (Quintherm) behind studding @ dormer and 100mm rockwool between studding and cosy board.
150mm Rockwool in first floor joists.
Outside is plastered, Hopefully I'll have slabbing done in 2 weeks and he'll start inside.
I'll have builers finish, No(stairs, kitchen, fitted wardrobes painting tiling)
will include(prefinished oak doors and skirting, sewrage treatment plant, all legal fees,

council development charges(which I hate as I had to drill my own well, own sewerage, no bins by my house:mad

Well and pump)
All done for 135 - 140
Solid Oak kitchen(U shape 3.8, 5.2, 3.8) with Granite worktop, fridge, carracells, dish washer. and massive island €17.5. Again shop around and make sure your clear what your getting
P.S. going to try up north today for baths showers etc as sterling in good(for us that is)
So Nmonaghan I think it's possible, with alot of shopping around, haggling, and hard word, saying that I probably saved €5-7 grand digging it myself(and co) and another €10k+ doing all the work we've done ourselves(radon, studding, insul, slabbing)
Hope this is off good help