>>Scams to look out for

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Re: AIB Account

For all AIB customers. I Just got an email today, saying that my internet banking had been suspended due to many unsuccessful login attemps.
This is a scam because I do not have an account with AIB. Do not open up the attachment for the Form. If in doubt contact the bank direct.
Got following text this morning ''Congratulations your cell phone has won €500,000 pounds in the ongoing Cocacola promo for claims call +44704013102 or Email cocacola.ukpromo@live.co.uk.'' I have no intention of contacting this number but will ring Coca Cola to inform them.
There is a MABS scam doing the rounds at the minute. My friend nearly got caught out with this one. MABS contact you saying that you have been approved for a Government grant of €5,000.
The scammers indicate that candidates for the grant have been selected from lists of individuals on the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment database.

You are asked to call a number to complete a "Grant Release Form" which seeks various personal information. Obviosuly dont do this! See the NCA's website for more details - http://www.consumerconnect.ie/eng/News_+_Research/Press Releases/NCA_scams_warning.html
Here's a new scam e-mail doing the rounds, purporting to be from AIB. It comes with an attachment - DON'T open the attachment.

Dear Customer,
AIB is launching a Customer Satisfaction Program so we can improve our products and services.
You have been selected to take part in our prize winning contest.
All you have to do is take your time to fill in the survey we will be sending you by mail after you enroll online by completing the form attached to this e-mail. In return, we will also be sending you a €100 cheque - The guaranteed prize.
Join today for your chance to win one of the following prizes:

* 1 of 5 €10,000 cheques

* 1 of 20 €1000 gift vouchers

* 1 of 10 LG 42" Plasma TV - valued at €1300

* 1 of 10 Canon Digital SLR camera - valued at €1000

The enrollment form is attached to this email. Please download the attachment, open it and follow the instructions on your screen.
Our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement apply to your use of this website. AIB and AIB Group are registered business names of Allied Irish Banks p.l.c. Registered Office: Bankcentre, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.
Registered in Ireland : Registered No. 24173.Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. is regulated by the Financial Regulator. Copyright Allied Irish Banks p.l.c. 1995
Platinum holiday scam has reached to ireland too. i got a call yestersday from plantinum holiday about buy holiday voucher by credit card and get free holiday for 7-14 nights anywhere in world. they have working website and telephone lines. they are based in uk.

[broken link removed]

Got the following this morning from an eircom.net email address. Thing is when I google the email address of the sender it comes up that he is a guy in Kilkenny who took part in an amateur dramatics class, same email address, same name and even a mobile number!.

Could he be that stupid? or has somebody hacked his email account?


This message is from Eircom.Net messaging Center to all email account owners.we are currently upgrading our database and email account center.We are deleting all unused Eircom.Net account to create more space for new account.To prevent your account from closing,you will have to update it below so that we will know that it's a present useable account.

CONFIRM YOUR IDENTITY BELOW: to this email (eircomunit01@live.com)

Email Username:............
Email Password:............
Date of Birth:.............
Country of Territory:...........

Warning!! Account Owner (Eircom.net) is to update his or her account within 24Hours of receiving this warning or will lose his or her account permanently

Thanks for using Eircom.net!
Warning Code:IX2G99AAJ
Joe Duffy highlighted the foreign registered letter scam during the week He had a really good woman on from An Post who explained how the scam worked.
Re: Complainer

I don't understand what that means. If I talk or post alot my opinion is not mine. Hang on a second it came from me, so I guess its my opinion, not yours. Complainer if this is how you tot up your posts, this means your a serious person and can be taken more seriously. Complainer is an ideal usr name for you alright. So your logic is the more you speak the more serious you are.........that doesn't make sense to me and I wont say everyone else, because I can only speak for myself unlike you, you speak for everyone 'Complainer'.

Fair enough then. It is of course possible that you are a legitimate customer of IMT with no other relationship to IMT who just happened to come across this thread ('of all the threads, in all the bulletin boards, you hadda come into mine') and you were motivated enough to register and post. I suppose it's not impossible.

It is far more likely that you have some connection to IMT, and that you use Google (maybe Google Alerts) to see where people are talking about IMT, and you have responded to this thread. The benefit of building up a track record in terms of numbers of posts is simply that it demonstrates independence. IT is not a question of my posts or anyone else's being better or more important that yours. It is just that anyone who has spent a bit of time hanging round boards such as askaboutmoney will be very cynical about first-time posters.

But do feel free to keep exploring this issue if you like. It will probably draw even more attention onto your actions.
Re: Complainer

Ok complainer I also see your point, but thats not the case here. See you around so.
ps. I wish I knew the rest, unfortunately I am not that computer literate. Someday :)
You've got to laugh at the incompetence...I got a phishing e-mail today with the subject line "Bank of Ireland (365 Online ) - Important Message". When you open the e-mail, the first line of it reads "AIB is constantly working to ensure security by regularly screening the accounts in our system...."

Honestly, who's in charge of quality control at Phishing Scams Inc.? I should write a letter of complaint.
Platinum holiday scam has reached to ireland too. i got a call yestersday from plantinum holiday about buy holiday voucher by credit card and get free holiday for 7-14 nights anywhere in world. they have working website and telephone lines. they are based in uk.

You ever asked yourself where did they get so many details about you? I was shocked at the fact they knew my fullname, my address and my landline which I only recently got from UPC and not many people know this new number. Could they be getting this information from some public UPC roster (do UPC have it??)? Otherwise I can only think about FirstChoice leaking this information, as we recently booked our travel with them.
Hotmail Email hacked and sent email to all contacts in address book (then deleting contacts)

Email said:

How are you doing ? I ordered one white 3gs apple iphone from that website
www.biograthy.com ,I've received it , It's genuine and brand new,I like it toooo much,They have many other items, If you would like to get one for christmas, can check it
Kind Regards,

Be aware of it. Site in China.

In case you get caught, just got an email supposedly from Paypall security asking me to fill in a form otherwise they will close my account. They say that there was some funny credit card transactions. I don’t have a Paypall account.
This is a new one from the 'King' of Brunei no less! :D

----- Original Message ----- From: S.H. Foundation
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 9:48 AM
Subject: تحية طيبة في سبيل الله ، الرحمن معظم الرحمن

Greetings in the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful.

Dear Brother in Islam,

In today's world where Islam is being linked to terrorism we Muslims have a duty to defend our good religion thereby exonerating ourselves from the negative image being created by western media against our faith. No one else but we Muslims can do this for ourselves. Age or gender is not a barrier you can always make an impact no matter who you are.

The Sultan of Brunei is currently funding Muslims willing to take up a role for the propagation of the good message of Islam. This is the work of ALLAH which we Muslims are called as revealed to his holiness prophet Muhammad (peace be unto his name). We must not continue allowing the western media determine the image of Islam to the whole world.

If you are willing to stand up for our faith please indicate your interest and also a pledge to use any money received judiciously. My international fund managers will contact you to raise the funds for your usage. Since this is also a way of paying my zakat (Qur'an 9:60). We are still deciding on the amount you will receive but be informed that when you receive the money you use it for the propagation of the good message of Islam for example in radio talk shows , TV , print , internet or any medium preferable to you like charity works. If you are not in position to undertake this responsibility you may simply pass on any money received to any good Muslim within your community who you feel can undertake this project, all I want is good results no matter how much spent.

Your response and any gratitude should be sent to the Sultan Haji Foundation at email:
h.foundation@blumail.org to the attention of my secretary Mr.Yang Mulia Awang Haji or to Mr. J. H. Bin Lunchai. Note that message sent otherwise will not get a reply.

At your leisure you may also view my photo gallery and others by going to website www.infofoto.org.bn

Best regards,
His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah
(King of Brunei)
Lapangan Terbang Lama
Berakas BB1010,
Brunei Darussalam
Mystery Scam

I received a phone call from a business associate asking if I wanted
to get involved with an investment that he had got involved with and
was already making a return out of, I told him I'd listen to it only to hear
that he couldn't talk about over the phone and that he'd give my number
(with my permission) to a person involved in the investment. Now I didn't
come down in the last shower.... I know it's got to be a scam of some sort,
probably some sort of pyramid scheme I'm thinking???? So today a lady with
a european accent called me today and asked if we could meet in a dublin
hotel to discuss the opportunity but again it couldn't be discussed over the
phone.....mmmmm??? Anyway I've agreed to meet if only to satisfy my

what is going on here???
G'wan - set your mobile phone voice recorder to record the conversation, and we can all analyse this amazing investment opportunity.
If you plan on going to hotel to meet these people, Id suggest you sure you bring someone with you.
You don't need to say anything about your colleague - just make sure they sit a discreet distance away - if not within earshot, then at least with a clear eyeline to proceedings.
Recently I received a pretty convincing phishing email that appeared to come from Amazon. Normally I can spot these a mile off. But this one looked exactly like an Amazon shipment notification. Obviously on closer inspection it was a scam. But some people might instinctively click the Cancel link because their first concern would be to cancel a mistaken order. Just thought I'd mention it here.
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