There are so many mis-understandings in this post that it's difficult to know where to start!
Firstly, trackers are not as much a problem as defaulters for the banks. It is a myth that our banks are losing money on trackers - there is a detailed post on here that sets out the relevant numbers. In contrast, banks are losing vast sums on defaulting mortgages.
Secondly, tracker mortgages (or indeed any mortgages) are contracts. The Government cannot simply wave a magic wand and change the contractual terms of any mortgage, however unfair you consider their terms. This has nothing to do with electoral politics - it has to do with simple contract law.
Thirdly, where do you think the money is going to come from to lower the SVR rate to a rate that is "benchmarked to European averages"? It's not going to fall from the sky.
I'll leave it there.
I am actually very supportive of the objectives of the SVR campaign but it will go nowhere if people simply rely on wishful thinking - it needs to be grounded in reality with concrete proposals.