Apologies for going into patronising teacher mode
The mortgage rate any individual pays is made up as follows:
(a) The wholesale cost of funds generally (ECB rate is good proxy) +
(b) Risk of systemic default in a particular market +
(c) Risk of default by particular lending institution +
(a + b + c = cost of funds)
(d) Risk of default by borrower -
(e) Less collateral payback +
(f) Cost of administration +
(g) Cost of capital including "normal" shareholder profits +
(i) "Economic rent" generally in the marketplace +
(j) Additional economic rent for an individual or customer segment
The last two are the offensive items. Economic rent is the technical term for making money for buckshee and is meant to be eliminated by competition.
The "campaign" is essentially arguing that there is egregious amounts of (i) and Sara additionally argues that there are egregious amounts of (j) for her particular market segment, possibly to compensate for "negative" economic rent enjoyed by Tracker customers.
I will not address Sara's particular claim in this post but rather concentrate on the claim that compared to other Eurozone countries there appears to be egreg. amounts of (i) in these parts.
Prima facie that amounts to c. 2% interest or about half the total price, which certainly appears to be egreg
But before deciding that this is conclusive evidence we should see whether any of the other categories might partly explain that difference. It seems to me that despite all the pre-election backthumping about the second coming of the stripey one that Ireland must still have considerably higher risks under (b), (c) and (d) in the above list compared with say France or Germany. How do our mortgage rates compare with Greece?
But the real differentiator is (e), it scarcely applies in practice in Ireland. Back in the good old days the banks probably convinced themselves that because of (e) mortgage rates could be a fraction of say car loan rates or credit card rates, they never really had to test this assumption. But the crisis has shown that (e) is an illusion. To my mind, unless (e) is addressed mortgage lending is a lot more risky in Ireland than elsewhere. Even 4.95% seems egregiously low.