He has no credibility. He lies twists and distorts language. He is both wrong and wrong for the wrong reasons. He abuses and assaults language and truth.
So you claimed already - but you seem a tad confused - thats your opinion and nothing more. He's an
award winnning journalist. Is he beyond reproach? Certainly not. But is your hatchet job credible - no it isn't - although you're entitled to hold whatever opinion you want.
You said nobody had a response.
Quite rightly I did. I introduced an entirely different viewpoint into this
discussion echochamber via his article prior to you posting. Yet nobody would focus on that.
I linked to the article showing why his claims about bio labs are false and have been debunked and you respond with weasel words about not having looked into it in detail. They werent speculative calls. They were fake news.
Weasel words? Odyssey06 - you can take your ignorant, misguided sentiment and shuve it up yer jacksie! Mind your manners. That's first and foremost.
Secondly, what I said was honest - and I suppose given your response we're to assume that your sky news informed view makes you an expert on the subject? I've read through this thread - the cognitive dissonance is breathtaking.
I recall clearly that there was a lot of speculation (and yes, it is speculation - or opinion/best guess - based on speculation) as regards whether these were manoeuvers, a ramping up with a view towards negotiating a settlement, or plans from the get go to invade. Yes, the Russians crossed the border but all the while, there is no earthly way that you could know at what point Putin made that decision. Neither you nor Greenwald or anyone else - even if Greenwald's best guess was that it wouldn't happen and the outcome was otherwise. You'll be aware that as part of what he wrote in the article I linked to, he questioned to what extent the Americans had made efforts to negotiate agreement/consensus.
As for your 'fake news' conspiracy - you're presenting here with nothing of substance to dispell any such concerns. I read your article - it's just a hatchet job which dispells nothing. All the while, we have Nuland confirming that there were/are biolabs in Ukraine. If there are, who the hell was/is running them? Last time I visited Ukraine, it was a country scant on resources - yet they can finance biolabs? - Figure that one out!
But yet you will retain your confidence in him no matter how many 'speculative calls' he gets wrong.
So you're going to tell me how I will think in the future now? That's impressive.
Yeah thats how these con artists work spreading plausible lies that he knows there will be an audience eager to lap up without question. He is just telling you what you want to hear.
From your reaction and your hatchet job, it appears that this is not about 'what I want to hear' (as I'm wary of all stakeholders in this mess) - it's more about your own beliefs relative to this mess.
And you wont even read the article that might puncture the balloon.
Firstly, kindly don't make claims that you can't back up. Secondly, I read your hatchet job article - it didn't serve to dispell any concerns about biolabs.
And now we can talk in more detail about biolabs and 'fake news'!
where it clarifies that emails attributed to Hunter Biden were suppressed and passed off as Russian disinformation and fake news. It turns out that they're real and credible all the while...and those emails link the Presidents son in the funding of US biolabs in Ukraine. By the way, the Washington Post is NO friend of far right conservatives in the US and McArdle concludes the article with this:
"An actual solution will require the recognition that we in the mainstream media are part of the problem: We are not trusted because we are not entirely trustworthy. That is not the only thing that will have to be fixed to heal our epistemic divide. But it would make a very good start."
I've been calling this out for an age on another subject - this wayward notion because some legacy media title carries something, it means we can assume it to be correct. We can't and we shouldn't - we shouldn't assume anything to be correct - from anyone and nobody is beyond reproach.
And yet here you are screaming about 'fake news' relative to biolabs in Ukraine...
Yeah, right back at you.
Is the invasion of Ukraine a real invasion?
Have you taken to arguing with yourself because I don't see anyone claiming that Russia hasn't invaded Ukraine on this thread?
You need to engage your fake news detectors otherwise you will fall for his next 'speculative call'.
In a thread where fault is found with one stakeholder in this mess and nobody else has been found to be anything but angels, I believe that it's more a case of you needing to overcome some natural bias you hold on the subject. You don't need to worry about my 'fake news' detection because my default is to be naturally sceptical of ALL news media - you should try it some time.
The comments you have made here are in support of Russia.
I see you also peddle fake news yourself. I most certainly have not made any comments in support of Russia - and I've gone out of my way to point that out. However, what's remarkable is the level of cognitive dissonance here - because whilst I haven't, I've suggested that there are no clean hands - and that's been enough to try to push me into suggesting I support Russia (when I don't).
Russia did not invade Ukraine because of NATO. Look at the list of demands they had - change of government, no EU membership, demilitarization, annexation of regions. Russia does not have the right to treat Ukraine as a colony. Russia invaded in 2014 not when Ukraine made moves to join NATO but rather the EU. It was after that unprovoked invasion support for joining Nato increased in Ukraine. So if Russia was so concerned about Ukraine staying neutral why did it make Ukraine its enemy.
According to you? I'm to take your word for it? Nato expansion is very much at the heart of this -
It's been an issue forever and a day. The Russians were given assurances after the fall of the Soviet Union that there would be no Nato expansion into the east. And it has been very much an issue ever since.
Are you also claiming that there was no interference in 2014 in Ukraine by the US led by Nuland?
@tecate is your real name Wallace or Daly?
What was it you said? That you 'despise a certain constituency'? I couldn't care less who you despise (even if that includes me on the basis of
an untruthful claim you made a couple of posts ago). See a counsellor for that maybe?
“Don’t get me wrong I don’t support Putin, but the US Democrat party is ultimately to blame for it all.”
Let me add words to your mindset here:
This is an echochamber view in which nobody dares question whether there might be fault on a number of sides and not just one side.
I should have guessed Greenwald is a cultist.
I guess you must be a socialist then! That's hilarious.