rescinding a letter of resignation?

Old thread but maybe still useful?
Old thread but maybe still useful?
Thank you for linking this. I handed it in when I was off on stress leave. I think the better option would have been to drop down a grade but in the heat of the moment I wasn't thinking clearly. It was very reactionary but more time off has changed my perspective. I have no shame so I'll go and beg but ask for a lower grade if they'll allow it.
I had someone resign unexpectedly and I did ask them if they wanted to reconsider, as it is pretty final. I would have handed it back to them there and then but once it goes in the system our company would be very reluctant to rescind. Their thinking would be - (a) will this person resign again very very shortly and (b) is this person a good employee, any issue that had been there over the past while and they would probably say forget it, no point in sticking with a troublesome employee. It would be quiet cynical, the final decision.
Is it possible to rescind a letter of resignation? Have people done it before - how was it received?
Is it public civil service, when you say drop a grade though it might be. There is a requirement to give months notice and the resignation/ retirement circular states resignation cannot be rescinded after the last date stated on resignation letter email and has to go to hr head of division. What date did you give
I’m aware of a WRC decision on this issue (the exact details escape at the moment) which found that an employer acted unfairly by not considering a request to rescind a resignation.

As I recall, the reason was that the employer should have been aware that the employee was under stress and that any decision to resign would not have been rational. Some latitude should have been applied.
It can be done and should be accepted as long as you do it reasonably quickly. If its rejected you have a nailed on case with WRC (depending on circumstances of your case).
Is it public civil service, when you say drop a grade though it might be. There is a requirement to give months notice and the resignation/ retirement circular states resignation cannot be rescinded after the last date stated on resignation letter email and has to go to hr head of division. What date did you give
Yes it's public service and they have been very good to me over the years. I also think I've given good service and I've never done this before. I gave the 13/12 as my end date so 2 weeks left. Thank you for all the replies - I'll send an email on Monday and start the process.